Annika PerryI’m a versatile writer whose books span various genres.

My first venture into publishing is The Storyteller Speaks and this a collection of short stories, flash fiction and poetry. Published in January 2018 The Storyteller Speaks has received over twenty-five glowing reviews on Amazon.

Oskar’s Quest, my second book, is a beautifully illustrated children’s book for younger children (and all young at heart!). Oskar’s Quest is an engaging story of adventure and courage.

I have also completed one more story for children which is as yet unpublished.

Island Girl, my first full-length novel, is in its final edits and I’m looking forward to publishing this in due course.

Writing has been a passion since childhood although it is only in the past few years that I have seriously started to write fiction.

Initially, a writing course gave me encouragement and direction with my writing. Furthermore, the tutor recommended blogging and in January 2015 I set up my blog, Annika Perry’s Writing Blog. I never imagined the friendships I would make and I’ve been overwhelmed with the warmth and incredible support from people around the world.

In spring 2014 I won First Prize in a Writing Magazine’s Short Story Competition which was a fantastic surprise and joy. Furthermore, I was short-listed for an Ink Tears Short Story Competition the same year.

The recognition of my writing ability outside of my family and friends was a huge boost to my self-confidence and as a result, I started the mammoth undertaking of writing my first novel.

Meanwhile, in early 2017 I was greatly encouraged by my friends and writers to publish some of my numerous short stories in a book. It was with great excitement and sense of achievement to launch the publication of my first book, The Storyteller Speaks, in December 2017 with the paperback released in January 2018.

The latter part of 2018 and throughout 2019 was busy with the realisation of a dream project, to publish a children’s book. Like so many parents, my son when young would request a bedtime story. These I tended to make up and a couple became his and my personal favourites. I revisited one of these stories and after much rewriting, editing and finding a wonderful illustrator, Oskar’s Quest was ready!

Overall my road to publication has been circuitous and aided by the support of my family and friends.

After gaining my BA Honours Degree in German Language and Literature from the University of Leeds I started working as a journalist. Following a serious illness, I changed career and gained a position as Administration Manager for a busy timber import company. I worked here for many years before leaving to pursue my passion for writing.

I am now a full-time writer, blogger and book reviewer.

I was born in Gothenburg, Sweden and at the age of six, moved to the UK with my family where we settled near Ilkley, West Yorkshire. Since then I have moved many times but now live in a small village in North Essex, England with my husband and occasionally my son, when he returns during university holidays.

I am on the following social media sites and look forward to seeing you there. If you have a specific enquiry please use the form below.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnnikaPerry68

Author Website / Blog: https://annikaperry.com/

Amazon Page: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Annika-Perry/e/B0789NNWFX/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/55576285-annika-perry


“Live a while in these books, learn from them what seems to you worth learning, but above all love them. This love will be repaid you a thousand and a thousand times.”

Rainer Maria Rilke(December 4, 1875–December 29, 1926)

228 thoughts on “ABOUT ME

    1. Ellie, bless you for your wonderful comment and it is great to connect here on WP! I have known Carol for many years and a generous and kind friend. Thank you so much for your kind words about my work and look forward to reading more of your posts too. Happy Writing! xx

  1. Hello Annika from Brisbane Australia. I am from Sri Lanka but now settled down in Queensland in Aussie. I am also a Writer and an Author and an Independent Publisher on the I net. I am working toward Mentel Wellness and Healing and all about what things to make one Healthy and Happy and Glad to have come across your Blog. Many Blessings 🙂 ❤ 🙂

    1. Deepa, lovely to meet you here on WordPress and thank you so much for taking a look around my blog. Always a joy to meet a fellow writer and interesting that you have also moved countries. Have you lived a long time in Queensland? What’s it like? Your interest in Mental Wellness is a subject that interests me very much and I look forward to reading your posts. Warmest wishes to you. xx

    1. Thank you again so much, Yvette and I loved taking part and honoured to be the first one of the year! I look forward to reading them all throughout the year!

      It’s great you remember the buzz during the release of the The Storyteller Speaks!

      Yvette, if it okay with you I will reblog this on Tuesday and turn off the comments on my blog.

      Wishing you a lovely weekend! Xx ❤️

      1. Hi – the Tuesday reblog sounds awesome – nd it helps to know ahead of time. And I think you know this, but part of the reason I posted the interview this week (and did not squeeze it in at the end of December) is because I like to post when I am fully available and this week is good for me and so I am excited – I am also going to share it on Linkedin later in the week.
        In the meantime, thanks again and cheers to your love and passion for words and writing 🙂

  2. Hi Annika, I just came across a kind comment you made about one of my posts and thought I’d look you up. Good to read about your passion for writing. It seems I suffer from the same ailment! I’m not looking for a cure though. Such a difference you living in Gothenburg and then Ilkely! I wonder at your parents’ reaction?!. Continued power with your fingers! Best wishes.

    1. Joy, thank you so much for your beautiful message – it put such a smile on my face! 😀 Oh no, we don’t want a cure for passion for writing – such a precious gift it’s as hard to imagine living without this as without books.

      I LOVED the move to West Yorkshire, one huge adventure – I realise it was rather different for my parents; my mother captivated by the moors and countryside, less so by the cement EVERYWHERE in the new house, the building site swamp / garden! But all good and had a blessed childhood in Ilkley with wonderful friends.

      Yeah! Power to the fingers … and the brain for its creative energy!

      Wishing you well.

  3. This quote of Maria Ranier Rilke’s happens to be one of my favourites. Thanks for sharing it here on your “About Me” page. The collection of Rilke’s “Letters To A Young Poet” has so many pieces of sage advice in his ten letters to the young officer cadet who was seeking his advice on his own writings. I also read your post “The Inaudible Audible” and enjoyed it immensely. I’ll be back to your blog again someday soon.

    1. Keith, thank you for your fascinating comment and lovely to meet you here on WordPress! 😀 It’s great to come across another fan of Rilke’s work. I studied some of his work as part of my German degree and whilst as a student at the university in Leipzig and also Tubingen. I must reacquaint myself with his “Letters To A Young Poet” as it’s been a long time since I read it. Thank you for mentioning this book. I’m so glad you enjoyed my “The Inaudible Audible” post … as you will see from my website/blog, my posts vary on topics and themes, hopefully, all interesting and some inspiring!😀

  4. Pingback: What the Heck is Australian Campfire Damper? – Behind the Scenery

  5. Behind the Story

    I love your new website. Congratulations on putting it together. I’m just starting to put together a new website. It’s a lot of work to get everything just right–to make it attractive, and easy to read and informative. Yours is a good example of a very well done author website.

    1. Nicki, thank you so much! 😀. I’ve been musing for a long while about a new look to the website but only got round to it with the help of my son yesterday. I’ve written a detailed post about it out on Sunday… and also explaining about the surprise (to me!) post that came out of my welcome page! Good luck with creating your new website, like you say a lot of hard work but well worth it! Also, it wasn’t as frightening as I thought it would be … thanks to enlisted expert help! 😀❤️

    1. Thank you so much, Laura! 😀 I’m posting in detail about it all on Sunday … the post yesterday came as a surprise to me! 😀😀 The lavender reminds me of the beautiful lavender fields in Jersey and all its tranquility and harmony!

    1. Many thanks, Lori! 😀 Yes, I did do it by myself… with a lot of help from my son who is computer science student at uni. This post came as surprise to me and much more informative one is coming out on Sunday about my new look website packed with hints and tips! 😀

  6. Pingback: Meet my top commenters! | Book Club Mom

  7. Pingback: When Blogging World Meets Real World – Behind the Scenery

  8. Unchaptered

    Hello Annika,

    I just wanted to leave a little note to say ‘I love your blog!’

    Living in the countryside has been a long held dream of mine and for some reason your blog brings up that warm feeling I get when I watch Escape to the Country ^_^

    I’ll certainly be visiting regularly. Keep up the lovely work.

    1. Hello Amelia

      Thank you for your lovely note! I’m so glad you’re enjoying my posts, I write a lot of book reviews as well as travel ones and of course about writing. The best way is just to start … and each word carries you one bit nearer. Write from your heart – something that truly interests you. As a fan of How to Train a Dragon series (terrific books and I loved them too – read them after my son had finished them!), you know what already inspires you.

      Ahh … how lovely that my blog gives you a warm feeling and that’s wonderful to hear! Thank you and hope to hear from you soon again. The best aspect of blogging are the friendships you make via comments, discussions etc.

  9. Pingback: 26/11 – 2/12 incl. Movie stars, Little Books, The Moon, The Buddha and Jazz | Observation Blogger

  10. Pingback: Erica or Erika? Which Name Should I Keep? – Behind the Scenery

  11. Hi Annika, it’s nice meeting you and learned more about you. What a joy for your writing talent to be recognized. It must feel good to take a break from your job to spend time with your family and writing. I published my poetry in October 2018. I must try to put my short stories, flash fiction and other pieces together for another book. I’m working on some other writing projects also. ❤ 🙂

    1. Miriam, it’s a joy to read your lovely coment and thank you so much for your kind words! 😀 Congratulations on your poetry publication and good luck with your collection of short stories and flash fiction etc. These kind of books are ever more popular, I feel.

      1. I agree with you, Annika, of the increasing popularity of short stories. It might well be there indication of the shortening of human attention span. Haha, it sounds good to the writers if they (we) are anxious to complete shorter books. 😀

  12. Pingback: Summer Giveaway: For Poetry Lovers {CLOSED} – Khaya Ronkainen

  13. Pingback: Sally’s Cafe and Bookstore – Buy a Book for Christmas – #Short Stories Mary Smith, Annika Perry and Hugh W. Roberts | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

  14. Hi Annika
    Thank you for dropping and the ‘like’ of the Senior Salon post on my blog EsmeSalon. I would love to see you participate and share a post from your blog with us. Linkup commences each Monday at 02:00 am and end the Friday at 8:00 pm PDT (Pacific Daylight Time).
    Esmé from EsmeSalon

    1. Esmé, first many thanks again for the interview and I will reblog this later during the week. I am out travelling for a few days. Thank you also for the offer to link up to Senior Salon. I wanted to ask a couple of questions. First, I’m in my 40s so is that okay? Secondary I do not to many reblogs on my blog so would not be able to do that if that is needed. I am very happy to link up, read others and share on Twitter if that works. Hope you’re having a lovely week.

  15. Pingback: Interview with Annika from "Annika Perry's Writing Blog" ~ Esme Salon

  16. Pingback: SUMMER GIVEAWAY: For Poetry Lovers {CLOSED} – Khaya Ronkainen

    1. Susan, thank you so much and lovely that you popped by my blog! Jo is a wonderful lady and runs a fascinating blog … I’m heading over to your blog now. Happy Sunday! 😀

  17. I’ve just found your blog, nice to meet you! You sound a very interesting person. Congratulations with all your writing achievements. I’ve had a bit of success as a freelance writer submitting articles and photos for U.K. Sailing magazines, but I’m yet to take the giant step of writing a book. I would like to write a couple of non-fiction memoir type books, but it’s the starting that’s the hardest! I found your blog via the three day quote challenge, as I’m participating in that too.

    1. Georgia, it’s lovely to meet you here on WP and thank you for coming by to say hi! 😀 Wow, I read your about page and am in awe of your lifestyle – I love the Greek islands but have never sailed around them. It sounds idyllic and wonderfully free!

      Thank you for your kind words about my writing and congratulations on your success as a freelance writer – that is fantastic. Memoir books are hugely popular and would be a great genre to write and look to publish. There are several blogs and books that write on this topic although I’ve never tried it personally. I always feel that starting in the middle, at a big event is a good start! Also, a question mark would be what you say about people still living, how they would feel, would you have to ask their permission, not cause strife between family and friends. With your travels you have a wealth of material to draw on. I wish you best of luck and hope you start the memoir soon!

    1. Norma, thank you so much for the nomination and thought! 😀 I really appreciate it and am so happy you thought of me. At the moment I am away and not able to pass this onwards but will definitely keep it in mind! Many thanks again. 🌻🌺

  18. Hi Annika,

    I wanted to thank you for sharing my review on your blog, and for also adding a plug for mine. 🙂 The comments were closed, so I wasn’t sure where to write. Anyway, I was happy to help you out, and as I said before, you and your book are both well deserving of any praise. I had hoped what I wrote sounded fine. For some reason, writing reviews isn’t easy, and yet, they are so important for the author to receive.
    This year may be the time for my third book; however, I don’t want to self publish again. I’m hoping to find a small publisher who’ll take a chance on me. I’m still working on the manuscript, but since you’re now a pro at this, if you have any thoughts or suggestions, please send them my way. I would greatly appreciate any feedback. Anyway, have a lovely day, my friend, and enjoy your success. I’m grateful to know you and to read your wonderful writing. ❤💻📒😊

    1. Lauren, thank you so much for your lovely message! ❤️ I closed the comments as otherwise people might feel they are repeating what many have already said about the book – I really just wanted to share your great review. Oh, I agree, they are not easy to write and must admit to only doing so seriously since I started blogging. I really didn’t appreciate how vital they were before I started to write seriously.

      How exciting that you are thinking of releasing your third book this year! 😀 What is it? I would love to hear more about it! I don’t know about being a pro at this but I’ve learnt a lot during the last few years … and now experiencing the post-publish and promotion side of of being an author! If you want to chat more please feel free to email me at annika.perry@btinternet.ccom – I’d love to talk more about publishing, your book etc.

      Interesting you should mention publishers as I’ve just come from a talk between a new author, her agent and Granta editor at a book festival. Listening to them I am seriously wondering whether to try and approach an agent with my main novel this year. It was a very positive talk and I feel they are looking for new authors. As we were leaving I stopped to talk to the agent and she happily accepted a copy of The Storyteller Speaks. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, I reckon but I was shaking afterwards!! 😀

      1. I totally understand, Annika, and that’s what I assumed. I still wanted to thank you though for sharing my review. 🙂 I’ll send you an email, and thanks for offering. AND that is so awesome about talking with the agent and giving her your book! Wow! You just never know. I think the first step is getting your writing in the hands of someone in that capacity, and that’s exactly what you did! My fingers are crossed, so keep me posted. 🙂 xo

    1. Jacqui, thank you so much! 😀😀 You’re a gem and I can’t wait to see the feature. Thank you for letting me know. 🌻 I just wrote on your last post and you’ve captured Carol’s book perfectly.

  19. Heather

    Hi Annika,

    Congratulations on your recent publishing success!

    I am a teacher at a school in Gosfield and I am wondering if you might be willing to come and speak with some of our budding creative writers as I think you would be a really inspiring visitor for them?

    Thanks hopefully. 🙂

    1. Hi Heather,

      Thank you so much! It’s been quite a journey to publishing my first book and I look forward to releasing more in the future!

      I am honoured to be asked to come to the school and speak to some of your budding writers – thank you so much. I would very much like to discuss this with you; perhaps you could email me directly and we sort out a date for me to pop by to discuss this further.

      Many thanks again and look forward to hearing from you.

      my email address is annika.perry@btinternet.com

  20. It’s good to learn about your writing career and background. It sounds like you are now in a position to fully focus on your writing, which is excellent. I have been a painter for the past forty five years. Having written my blog for ten years, I am now delving into, what is for me the unknown waters of serious writing. We shall see. janet 🙂

    1. Janet, it can be daunting to set off on a new direction in life but having written a blog for ten years your have been writing all this time!!😀😀 That is a fantastic start and you will do great I feel. I am thoroughly enjoying this opportunity to concentrate on writing at last…now just have to avoid those distractions!! 😀

  21. Dear Annika
    I love Rilke as well, although he was an extreme egocentric but his lyrics is beautiful and quite often full of secrets and his novel is very special, more lyrical than epic.
    I wish you lots and lots of success with your writing. Well, writing is a lifestyle, isn’t it? And it’s addictive. A life without writing – no way, I can’t imagine living without.
    Wishing you a cosy pre-Christmas time
    Klausbernd an the rest of The Fab Four of Cley

    1. Dear Klausbernd, thank you so for your well wishes for my writing success! 😀 As you say it is a way of life, addictive and I can’t imagine a life without writing! That I have now published my first book feels amazing and slightly surreal…as I’m overjoyed with this and the promotion I also long to hide away and just write!! Feeling torn must be part of it all, I guess! I must admit I know far too little of Rilke and came across this quote…my German literature studies took me other directions however reading up on Rilke I would love to read more of his work. Maybe the novel first? I like the sound of lyrical. I likewise wish you all a very cosy time this week before Jul! Annika

      1. Dear Annika
        well, maybe your agent told you already: Now you should go out to make your book sell, interviews, talk-shows, book signings etc. But you will survive it and it gives you a good idea how your readers see your texts. It may now seem slightly surreal but you will grow into it.
        Rilkes Novel “Malte Laurits Brigge” is a highly unusual novel, it’s like writing should be the art of playing with words and connotations. Actually not that different to his poems.
        God Jul, dear Annika
        The Fab Four of Cley
        🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  22. Hi Annika,

    I want you to know that I was about to reply to your comment on my “Finally” poem, and I hit a mysterious key on my laptop and accidentally deleted it. It’s so frustrating. Anyway, thank you for your kind words and hugs. I appreciate them very much. And since I haven’t read your “about” yet, this was a good time. I enjoyed reading about your interests and your book path. Did you get it published? Congratulations in finishing it, too. Anyway, thanks again, and have a lovely weekend. Hugs back, too.

    1. Lauren, thank you so much for coming by to let me know – I’ve done that a couple of times but did find the comments in trash on my comments on admin page (just a thought). I’m glad you got a chance to read it and I’m really enjoying reading your poetry. Yeah, also a positive side to the lost comment is that you had a chance to see my about page. Thanks for the congratulations – it is an amazing feeling to finish writing a novel – the editing has been sporadic but getting there; also I’ve been working on a collection of short stories which is in the final edit stages and will hopefully come out soonish. Many thanks for your lovely comment & visit. Hugs. xx

      1. I just check and it wasn’t there, so I guess it really did get deleted from my laptop. But that was a good idea, and I was hopeful. 🙂 You’re right though, there’s a reason for everything, and I’m glad it brought me to your page. I look forward to your finished book and your short stories. That’s very exciting! Besides my writing and blog, I recently took up guitar again. I used to play when I was younger, so I’ve become inspired again. I bought a new one a few days ago, and am looking into lessons. I’m excited, like a little kid. Anyway, hope you’re having a good weekend. Hugs back!

        1. Hi Annika, I just noticed a spelling error – should be: I just “checked” 🙂
          That’s a strength or weakness, depending on how one looks at it. But, I cringe at spelling or grammar errors. 🙂 Have a lovely Sunday! xo

        2. Yeah! Lauren that’s great about taking up the guitar again and congratulations on your new one! 😀 What do you play? Acoustic or classical? Or perhaps bass? I played classical guitar as young but have always had a longing to learn piano and so have just booked lessons!! It is such an exciting feeling and yes, just like being a kid again! I’m definitely equally nervous as then!!

          PS. I hadn’t even noticed the error…and I’m sure one cringes worst at ones own! I’m going word-blind with editing today and silly things are slipping through which I then find a few hours later – frustrating!

          1. Acoustic, and that’s great about your playing classical and now booking piano lessons. It sounds like the same musical inspiration is surrounding both of us. Have fun, and maybe someday we’ll hear each other’s progress. 🎼🎸😊 Also, you’re right about noticing our own mistakes, and I can just imagine the editing process and going silly. Best of luck with everything! ❤️

  23. Thank you Annika for following me. 🙂
    I too, love to read books and like to read at least 2 or 3 books together. I thought, I was the only one. Now I’m happy to know that I’m not the only one. So glad to meet you here, Annika. 🙂

    1. You’re very welcome, Norma! It’s strange as it’s only recently I’ve started to have a few books on the go at once – but then I’m learning many share the same habit so you’re definitely not alone! Lovely to meet you too! 😀

  24. Hi, I was searching for blogs on books and when I came across your blog, I fell in love instantly! I mostly write in my mother tongue Gujarati, an Indian language. I love reading too. I am fond of writing and reading poetry, recently started writing short stories. Happy to follow your wonderful blog now on. Good Luck for your book publication!

    1. Writing is a wonderful creative art form and I’m so happy you’re enjoying it…it gives so much although it’s tough at times. Best of luck with your short stories and thank you very much for your kind encouraging words about my blog and book! 😀😀

  25. Interesting to come across your blog through looking up garden blogs but was intrigued by the writing element. Likewise I am on a final edit and looking at the process of contacting agents. At times it seems daunting and has kept me away from blogging and the garden. I wish you every success and will try and follow your journey.

    1. Georgina, thank you so much for your lovely comment! ❤️ The final edit has been the toughest of all the writing task so far…I’m never satisfied it seems! I’m beginning to realise that everything else will have to be put on hold to actually get it in a state to be ready to publish. What is your book about? Do you have a title? Are you thinking of going the traditional way of publishing instead of indie? Do you have good contacts, leads…always a plus! I’m intending to put the short story collection out through self-publishing (well, with lots of help!!) but will see what I decide for my novel. Since we’re at such similar stages perhaps we can travel this journey together…letting our gardens grow a bit wild for all the insects! I’ll keep a look out on your blog, particularly more so when I’m back in the UK. Best of luck with your book! 😀😀

      1. Hi Annika, yes will keep in touch. I want to try and get a publisher before trying self but seems the major ones need you to go through a literary agent. So at the moment I am composing covering letters and synopsis. Have used the 2016 Writer’s year book for links. At the moment I have chosen three to approach and one has some nature writers but mine is Nature fiction. It is a saga from a journey from the south of Spain to the North by two unusual pairings of animals. A Buff tailed bumble bee and a Bee eater are on a quest to save the bumble bee from hotter and hotter summers. The black kite and a weasel need to encourage them to come back but also need to discover what is happening with the weather! It is an imaginative flight of fantasy but about the real creatures that are struggling to survive in a world being constantly disturbed by the human species, known as Outsiders! I am finding it hard to really explain the novel and it is aimed at all ages. So it is good for me to try different ways of informing people about it. I think it is a good idea to publish something prior to your novel but I haven’t really finished some of my other pieces. I always used to start something while working and never complete it. So am glad I have finished this novel but could go on tweaking and editing and adding forever. However I would like to ‘finish’ and continue with the other pieces soon. It’s too hot here now so can’t be distracted too much by gardening except to water! Good luck with yours and do let me know about your novel and how you are getting on too.

        1. Wow, Georgina! That sounds a wonderful premise of a book, unusual and some just cannot be categorised into neat genres. As I’m struggling with any sort of a signal I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading about your book and how you’re heading off to look for publisher. I’ll write more about mine later when I’m home! With wifi!! Warmest wishes 😀

  26. I hope you’re well, Annika!
    I’m inviting a few of my favorite blogging friends to be featured in a series I’d like to do about family history in August. Your post could be a poem, a picture, a tie-in to one of your books or anything you come up with that in some way references family history—meaning anything that happened to some family before today—your family, a fictional family, or just your musings about the human family will be accepted. You could also just send me a previous post you’ve done that seems to fit the bill if you’re too busy to write something brand new. 
    I’d just like to show my gratitude for the ways in which all of you have enriched my life.
    If you’re interested just send me an email with your idea. I’d like to have submissions in by July 20th.

    email me if you’re interested in participating at : morris.adrienne21@gmail.com

    1. Many thanks for your lovely comments and lovely to meet you too, Ipuna! 😀 Life events have impacted hugely on getting the book out as planned but with things easing at last I’m hopeful😀 and working away on a third edit…how many does one need to do, I’m wondering?!! Many thanks for your best wishes for my book, they are very much appreciated. ❤️

      1. I understand! I’m looking for a literary agent right now. I have had some on the “fence” of taking my book. I keep edit and query some more. I think, how many more edits? Ha ha. We are pushing forward, so that is what matters. Our words will be out there to hopefully help many.

  27. Annika, I had a suspicion you British and decided to see if your About page confirmed this – and so you are. Though born in Sweden, as I should have guessed by your name – which I love, BTW. So much fun to get to know and become friends with folks around the world through their blogs. Seems I’m a world traveler though I rarely get out of Southern California, and haven’t been out of the States in decades.

    It’s interesting that you mention reading and reviewing books as being a passion as much as writing them. I tend to forget mentioning this even though it was reading great books that convinced me I had to write.

    I wish you every wonderful adventure on your journey to publication of your first novel.

    1. Haha…I’m just trying to confuse everyone! 😀 I feel both British and Swedish which I used to struggle with but have now decided to embrace the best of both worlds! Having grown up in the UK and lived here since childhood I’m not surprised you thought I’m British…but yes, the name is a bit of a giveaway! As America is so large you don’t need to travel beyond its borders to experience many different cultures, history, nature…although it’s always fun to travel abroad. I would love to go to California one day but it is so far on a plane…I was over the moon I managed to get myself to Florida last year!

      Sharon, oh, you must mention reading and reviewing books as well – from your blog I can tell they are an integral part of your being and help to develop and inspire your writing!!

      Wishing you likewise much joy and success as you get ready to launch your book(s?) to publication, Sharon. It’s a helluva journey! 😀❤️

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