Annika PerryI’m a versatile writer whose books span various genres.

My first venture into publishing is The Storyteller Speaks and this a collection of short stories, flash fiction and poetry. Published in January 2018 The Storyteller Speaks has received over twenty-five glowing reviews on Amazon.

Oskar’s Quest, my second book, is a beautifully illustrated children’s book for younger children (and all young at heart!). Oskar’s Quest is an engaging story of adventure and courage.

I have also completed one more story for children which is as yet unpublished.

Island Girl, my first full-length novel, is in its final edits and I’m looking forward to publishing this in due course.

Writing has been a passion since childhood although it is only in the past few years that I have seriously started to write fiction.

Initially, a writing course gave me encouragement and direction with my writing. Furthermore, the tutor recommended blogging and in January 2015 I set up my blog, Annika Perry’s Writing Blog. I never imagined the friendships I would make and I’ve been overwhelmed with the warmth and incredible support from people around the world.

In spring 2014 I won First Prize in a Writing Magazine’s Short Story Competition which was a fantastic surprise and joy. Furthermore, I was short-listed for an Ink Tears Short Story Competition the same year.

The recognition of my writing ability outside of my family and friends was a huge boost to my self-confidence and as a result, I started the mammoth undertaking of writing my first novel.

Meanwhile, in early 2017 I was greatly encouraged by my friends and writers to publish some of my numerous short stories in a book. It was with great excitement and sense of achievement to launch the publication of my first book, The Storyteller Speaks, in December 2017 with the paperback released in January 2018.

The latter part of 2018 and throughout 2019 was busy with the realisation of a dream project, to publish a children’s book. Like so many parents, my son when young would request a bedtime story. These I tended to make up and a couple became his and my personal favourites. I revisited one of these stories and after much rewriting, editing and finding a wonderful illustrator, Oskar’s Quest was ready!

Overall my road to publication has been circuitous and aided by the support of my family and friends.

After gaining my BA Honours Degree in German Language and Literature from the University of Leeds I started working as a journalist. Following a serious illness, I changed career and gained a position as Administration Manager for a busy timber import company. I worked here for many years before leaving to pursue my passion for writing.

I am now a full-time writer, blogger and book reviewer.

I was born in Gothenburg, Sweden and at the age of six, moved to the UK with my family where we settled near Ilkley, West Yorkshire. Since then I have moved many times but now live in a small village in North Essex, England with my husband and occasionally my son, when he returns during university holidays.

I am on the following social media sites and look forward to seeing you there. If you have a specific enquiry please use the form below.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnnikaPerry68

Author Website / Blog: https://annikaperry.com/

Amazon Page: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Annika-Perry/e/B0789NNWFX/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/55576285-annika-perry


“Live a while in these books, learn from them what seems to you worth learning, but above all love them. This love will be repaid you a thousand and a thousand times.”

Rainer Maria Rilke(December 4, 1875–December 29, 1926)

228 thoughts on “ABOUT ME

  1. Congratulations, Annika on winning your writing competitions! As a writer, it is so nice to receive recognition from those who are not your friends and family, so good for you – it is a huge accomplishment! I have no doubt you are going to write a fabulous first novel, and I wish you all the best in your endeavor!

    1. Tanya, thank you so much for your wonderfully inspiring words!!❤️ The win was just amazing and I still remember that unreal floaty feeling – or maybe that was just the champagne at the family celebration soon after. 😃😃 Your comment this morning has me beaming away and given me a real boost. Thank you. Wishing you many happy writing moments and lovely to ‘meet’ you here on WP. hugs😄

    1. Thank you very much, Mary Ann! 😀 Whilst I have written a lot of fiction short stories I’m still in the process of editing my book – in between everything else in life! My German studies were a special time in my life with two fun longer periods in Germany and a wonderful experience of the country and its literature.

      1. I have many manuscripts to work up and finalize into a book but am currently helping to edit a special story of our friends who escaped from Communist Czechoslovakia. Life gets in the way sometimes, doesn’t it? My voice lessons with a great voice coach and practicing get in the way. I love music. I love writing, especially poetry. Good luck editing. It is sometimes frustrating but always worth the time and effort.

        1. Mary Ann, I love hearing about your music and choir and all your interests. It’s better to have too many interests in life than being bored! Although at times I wonder how to stretch the day that little bit further!😀 I love the sound of the book you are editing and good luck with your own manuscripts.

    1. Ah…thank you. 😀 Lovely you came over to say hi. Oh, I very much consider myself a Yorkshire Lass with my heart very much still drawn to the moors. Heading up there tomorrow to visit family & friends!

    1. So happy you came across my blog and lovely to connect. I love the idea of your international heritage and travels and such success in your career – an Emmy! Wow! Best of luck with your books. Happy Writing! 😀😀

  2. Congratulations on your successes Annika, I remember having that initial first success (fairly recently) and it does give you a great confidence boost to know that actually you can write after all 🙂

    1. Congratulations to you too on your recent success! The initial euphoria has become a calm and steady reminder for me…the validation from outside is such a support at moments of doubt. Lovely to get to know you, Andrea and thank you for your comment. 😀

    1. Thank you for very much, Maria! 😀 I’m honoured you thought of me. Unfortunately I am very busy at the moment so will not be able to participate but best of luck with the new award. Warmest wishes, Annika

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. The truth, honesty and variety in your blog captured my interest and one of the best about pages I’ve read. I hope you’ve enjoyed visiting here today and hope to see you back soon!😀

    1. Lovely to read your comment and so glad you’re enjoying looking around my blog. Jessica is wonderful and I am so grateful she recommended me to you – as I’m on holiday at the moment without wifi for a few weeks (apart from a couple of days now) I haven’t been able to pick up her kind comments and yours. Just had a chance to read a few of your posts, amazing nail art work – I have so little patience! Also I’m mad in bags and perfumes! Just got Daisy Dreams by Marc Jacobs – a new one for me but delightful!

      1. Hi Annika, thanks for stopping by!

        I’m pleased you like my nail posts. I work in financial services where everything is orderly and serious, so I enjoy being the one with the whacky manis. 🙂

        If you’d like to try nail stamping, I’ve written a tutorial. It’s massive (lots of photos and tips and tricks) and it would probably take half an hour to read everything, but scroll down to “5 How To Stamp” and you’ll get the picture in two minutes. And you’ll also find that stamping itself only takes a few minutes – so being impatient is not a problem. 🙂
        If you’re interested, the tutorial is here: https://mrsstrawberryblonde.wordpress.com/2016/06/15/nail-stamping-tutorial-with-lots-of-photos-how-it-works-what-you-need-tips-tricks-everything-you-need-to-know-in-1-post/

        I too love bags and perfumes. But who doesn’t? 😀

        I hope you’re enjoying your holiday. Honestly, having no access to the www for a few days can actually be a blessing. 😉

  3. Hey – thank you for passing by my blog! We have some common ground I can see – (a passion for writing and reading plus our time in the North) 😉 – and I grew up in Manchester, which is not far from where you studied in Leeds! Best of luck with your novel! xx

    1. Hi Hayley and lovely to connect with another ‘Northerner’. 😀 Don’t you still miss the moors of Yorkshire and Lancashire? I wonder sometimes if they aren’t a great inspirational source with so many wonderful writers coming from that area? Writing and reading are like breathing to me…I think you feel the same. Thank you for your kind wishes…novel slowly getting there…just the edit to finish!

      1. Oh I do miss the moors and the familiar Northern accent of home – (plus the cosy warmth of a Lancashire pub after braving the cold!) And I have to agree with you, reading and writing are like breathing! I never will understand why my partner doesn’t enjoy to read – but then, I guess he will never understand why I am not overly fussed about sports 😉 I am hoping to submit a book proposal of my own in December, so I may have to gather some tips from you when that day comes! xx

        1. I am still lucky enough to have family and friends in Yorkshire and Lancashire so often go up to visit – my friend has a lovely Northern accent and yes, we always head to the pub to warm up, even on a Summer’s day! I’d be happy to help in any way I can – read a lot about it but haven’t published so far though! Best of look with your book.

          1. Thank you Anika – I’m still at the outline/idea stage, I know what I want to say but need to form some form of an outline so that I don’t write myself in circles 😉 my book is self help though, so I imagine it will take on a different structure to fictional writing? xx

  4. I am so happy to learn that you had been a volunteer in Project Gutenberg! That was such a great project! In my early internet days, I used to read plenty from there. You are very talented, you have so much of experience! I am pleased to follow you! And it is thrilling to know you have written a novel! It must feel great!I will be looking forward towards following your progress! All good wishes with editing! 🙂

    1. Thank you such much for your wonderful comment, Prabhat! Project Gutenberg is a fantastic concept and it was fun to be part of it. Brilliant that it provided so many books for you to read – I caught up on a lot of classic literature! Thank you so for your enthusiasm about my writing – I really do appreciate it and it means a lot to me. Finishing the book was strange as it was always a dream of mine and it felt like quite a feat. Now the editing task which has been delayed the last few months for personal reasons but I’m looking forward to tackling this in a big way after the holidays.

      1. Oh! So nice to know that! All writers have a dream to write a book once! With so many classics you got to study closely, I m sure you must have written an eloquent story! 🙂 All hearty wishes!

  5. Pingback: Mourning Has Broken: A Book Review | Carol Balawyder

  6. Another Ohioan has found you! 🙂 My delights and passions are writing and reading, and as I’m growing older, I’m also taking pleasure in meeting writers, here, on WordPress from every corner of the world and the USA! If one searches blog by blog for those who comment on our passions, it’s easy to find new friends. That’s the wonder of WordPress, the opportunity to share with like-minded individuals! Glad to know you!

    1. Lovely to meet you too! 😀 Thank you so much for your warm comment- when I started on WordPress I had no idea what to expect, like so many entering with trepidation but to my delight the sharing of thoughts, interests and news is a real heart-warming delight. It’s a joy making friends across the globe!

  7. Hi Annika! I landed here from Marje’s blog. I really like yours and will explore. I’m also in the process of editing my first novel, so I’m very interested in how you get on! Best of luck. Pleased to meet you, Marina.

    1. It’s lovely to meet you too, Marina and thank you so much for coming over for a visit. My editing is coming along well with much less of a re-write necessary than I imagined – but obviously lots to correct and tighten up. How are you getting on with your editing? On your blog you don’t mention you were writing a book. Best of luck with your novel and great to get to know you.

  8. A like on a comment I made on a mutual friends blog activated the kindness clause so I came I over to have a look…. Fascinating blog too and very impressive…although….the one thing that really said follow this blog right now is…you…are a Leeds Alumni…..umm guess what 😁

    Well, not the only reason…the blog is cool and the writing is inspiring…one should not be too flippant on ones first post to a new blog…although experience so far tells me also, that bloggers are immense people too and I am on a mission to meet as many as I can….although that might be newbie fever speaking too 🤔

    A pleasure to have found your blog!

    1. Gary, I like your mission! Bloggingland seems infinite so I think you’ll meet as many new people as you have time to spare. Enjoy the virtual travels – there is an eclectic mix of blogs out there. Lovely you stopped by to say hi and thank you so much for your comments – made my day – so my blog is ‘cool’ and ‘inspiring’! I hope your newbie fever lasts; your enthusiasm is infectious. Hope to see you around soon again. PS. So guess you went to Leeds eh? How did you like it? What did you study?

  9. I’m so glad to meet you – thanks for stopping at my place ‘roughwighting.’ I look forward to reading your reviews and learning more about the progress of your book and how you decide to publish it. I cannot tell you how wonderfully my world has opened up since I began my blog (5 years ago!!). We learn so much about each other, admire each other’s writing and story telling skills, and support each other as we struggle with our writing careers.

    1. Wow! Five years of blogging – that’s brilliant, Pam. I must admit I didn’t know what to expect when I started just over a year ago, but since then I have ‘met’ so many wonderful people, enjoy sharing writing experiences and knowledge as well as thoughts on life etc – I’m totally hooked now! As for publishing, I’m still not sure which way to go but am busy editing…so many decisions and perhaps too much information!! I’m confused!! What would you advise? Thank you so much for your lovely comment.

      1. My best advice is to continue doing what you’re doing – read read read all about the different choices of ways to get published as you write and edit and re-edit your book. I first went with an agent, and that was exhilarating, but then the more I studied up on self-publishing, the more I realized that was the way for me. But each person/writer is different.

  10. Wow Annika too many similarities. Spooky.
    I proofread one or two Gutenberg books but found it totally tedious I have to be honest. Probably reminded me of the archive career I nearly started but declined the postgrad course. Much better to be a journalist with the Yorkshire Post company (as was at the time). I lived about nine miles away from Leeds so knew it well in the 70s and early 80s.
    Oh and my junior school always took part in the Ilkley Music Festival with our recorder group (me) and choir (not me).
    I did try the Alexander Technique. My tutor despaired of me when I vaulted off some horse type thing instead of dismounting elegantly, slowly and gracefully.

    I’ve not been to Sweden though. Denmark is the nearest I got.

    1. Thank you so much for your lovey comment and great to meet you!😀 That brings back memories, we always had the Yorkshire Post when I was young and I spent a week doing work experience there in the mid 80s. Fantastic group of people. I think the paper has changed since then though. Many of my friends were in the Ilkley Muisc Festival – well, going to Ilkley Grammar School it was on our doorstep – a wonderful place for festivals and I keep meaning to go to the literature one. I see you live abroad now. Is that permanent? Do you come back to visit often? Oh, you have to go to Sweden; it is beautiful and I’m not only saying that because I’m biased! I can just imagine the expression of horror on your AT tutor regarding your method of dismounting a horse – my tutor could look quite fierce at times and that was when I was just trying to stand up ‘properly’! As for the Gutenberg I have been so busy writing and editing my book that has lapsed for a while although I did enjoy the finicky work I got frustrated trying to decipher the poor photocopied scans. Hope the sun is shining for you. Warmest wishes. PS. As a journalist I think you might be interested in some of my more journalistic pieces I post at times, including this one: https://annikaperry.wordpress.com/2016/01/19/the-sisyphean-quest/

  11. Pingback: Sunshine Blogger Award | Eve Messenger's Other-WORD-ly Endeavors

    1. Thank you so much, Miriam. Your lovely name struck me first when I saw a comment of yours – the same name as my mother – so of course I had to look closer. You have have a wonderful blog and I’m so glad I stumbled across it. Have a fun time exploring. 😀

      1. Well, that’s a coincidence Annika! Thank you so much for your lovely comment, I’m glad you’re here as well. Take care and have a wonderful day.

  12. Annika, I have just included you in a list of favourite/recommended blogs. It’s a Liebster award! Hope you enjoy being on the list and if you wish, you can pass the torch to 11 more bloggers–but please don’t feel obligated. I wouldn’t enjoy doing this if I thought my award nominees felt obliged to follow up with their own award post. 🙂

    1. Thank you for thinking of me and my blog, Janice. I’m honoured and happy to accept and I hope to post my Liebster award on Sunday. It’s tricky to know how many followers some bloggers have though, isn’t it? I’ve just been checking some out and not everyone wishes to make them public, which is fair enough.

      1. You’re most welcome– I enjoy your writing very much. I’m not even sure if my numbers appear on my front page–they do for many blogs, but you can get one of the numbers when using notifications (from phone or iPad at least–and maybe the Reader) this happens when you click on the heading over a Like or Comment or post and a blog summary opens up headed by blog name, tag line, and number of followers–seems to be always there except when the link takes you directly to the website. (Can you tell I’m trying to make sense of it all ?) Good luck with your Liebster post– looking forward to it 🙂

  13. The Oracle Jasmine Kyle

    Congrats on your first place win have you been in any contests seance? Love how thoughtful your writing style is. And your phrasing flows so easily it’s like I’m having a conversation rather than reading an essay. Congrats and so happy to subscribe!

    1. Jasmine, thank you so much for your kind words – since starting my blog I feel it is one huge conversation; sharing of ideas, emotions, life and it’s quite something to participate. I have been short-listed for a couple of competitions after my win. However last year I concentrated on completing the first draft of my novel so short-stories took a backseat alas. Lovely to have you as a follower and I’m looking forward to checking out your blog. Warmest wishes 😃

      1. The Oracle

        Well I am looking forward to reading that novel! It’s still alive just needs some water! I am in the same boat!

  14. Hei Annika! Thank you so much for visiting my blog. You have an interesting blog here, I’ll be catching up. What a joy it must be to proofread new eBooks for Project Gutenberg. All the best with your novel writing and I hope your writing journey will inspire me to finish mine:)

    1. Hi Khaya, thank you so much for visiting and for the follow. I’m so glad you like my blog – I started out writing about my ‘journey’ as I’m writing my first novel but then as metamorphised into so much more, I write about my writings, short stories, thoughts, events, books, anything and everything – do take a look around. I love your poetry and your blog. I wish you the best of luck with the poetry and hopefully we can inspire each other.😀 it can get lonely at times. Project Gutenberg is all about proofreading old books out of copyright date that have been scanned in and being processed into ebooks. However Netgalley allows you to read new books before their release as long as you review them on eg. Your blog – that’s been fun. With warmest wishes to you. Take care.

  15. Pingback: 2015-What I’ve Learned as A Writer | Eve Messenger's OtherWORDly Endeavors

    1. Thank you Mary, I must say my life never seems to be boring! 😀 I wish you best of luck with your novel, it’s quite a journey isn’t it? I am learning so much along the way and meeting lovely people here on WordPress always giving encouragement and advice. The quote I feel is so true and I could not imagine a world without books and reading – a real lifeline.

  16. I’m so glad you found my blog Annika, as now I have found yours 🙂 We have many similarities as with the gardening (I too despised it as a child!) and walking. Use to do Pilates, but gave up. Need to remedy that. Many congratulations on your writing wins, that is a huge boost for your confidence and I wish you every success as you write your first novel. I am now revising the first draft of my memoir, my first book, and it is hard going but we have to keep going! I also grew up from the age of ten in East Anglia – Suffolk. Sweden is a place I have never visited, my daughter is Scandinavian mad (her boyfriend is Norwegian 🙂 ). So lovely to meet you, I look forward to reading more of your writing progress. Sherri 🙂

    1. Oh dear, I wrote an answer yesterday and then there was power cut which meant not only did we have a few hours of darkness but also lost my reply! Congratulations on completing your first book and good luck with the edit / revision. How do you find that is going? I can’t believe in all your travels you have lived in Suffolk. I love to go shopping in Sudbury or Bury. Has your daughter been to Norway yet? I am so glad I ‘stumbled’ across your blog and we’ve made contact.

      1. Oh I’m so sorry to hear that Annika, what a nuisance. So glad to hear light has been restored, and very kind of you to send another message, thank you so much for your encouragement. I’m making slow progress with the edits/revision, daunting at times, other times I feel elated that at last, I’m getting my book pulled together. One day at a time, right? Oh yes, Sudbury…I know it well and Bury, I had a friend who lived there when I was at college in Ipwich 🙂 I went to school in Stowmarket. Small world isn’t it? My daughter would love to go to Norway but not yet. My mother has, and absolutely loved it 🙂 Me too Annika, it’s wonderful to connect with you here… I’m so glad you ‘stumbled’ too… 😉

  17. Dear Annika,

    Thanks so much for your thoughtful and lovely review of AMAZING MATILDA. You helped make my day ex traspecial. Have a Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ MOST AMAZING WEEKEND Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ!


    1. Hi Bette, Oh, now you have me tear-eyed! Thank you for you kind words but your book deserves all the praise it gets, such a beautiful, gentle and uplifting read. I am so impressed with your own designer ’emoji’ butterfly – brilliant! Just showed my son and he’s now trying to work out how you did it. Warms wishes, Annika ❤️ (basic emoji!)

    1. Charley, that’s so kind of you. I do enjoy these Tags and have had a lot of fun completing a couple of them. At the moment I’m snowed under with work and my writing project but I’ll take this up as soon as I have a chance. Many thanks for thinking of me. 😀

    1. They are definity a true wonder in the world – the only problem now is that there seem to so many good books out there and never time enough to read them all!! Lovely to hear from you all the way from Italy!

  18. Hey there Annika! Just clicking around the blogosphere and commenting on blogs that I think are fun and interesting, and you’re one of them. October is my birthday month, so consider this an invitation to my month-long birthday party. Hope to see you over at That’s So Jacob sometime!

    1. Hi Charley, so sorry but I just found this in spam. Many thanks for the nomination, I really appreciate it. I think I’ll have time for this before the end of the month. I liked reading yours and of course chocolate has to be the favourite autumn food. Only problem it’s my all time favourite all year round!

      1. Aww that’s ok don’t worry! It happens to me all the time.
        It’s funny you mention chocolate… I’m currently munching on a bar of fruit and nut whilst marking! Can’t wait to see your post x

    1. Thanks so much Marje, I am honoured. 🙂 Just getting started on some writing projects and blogging after the long holiday but I will happily accept and carry this forward later in the month. All the best to you.

    1. Many thanks, Diana and will enjoy partaking in this challenge. It’s great fun reading snippets of each other’s WIP. I’m off on holiday in a couple of days – my next post will elaborate. No wifi etc so I’ll do this when I return end August.

    2. Hi there! I finally got round to completing this challenge once back from the holidays. Many thanks again for the tag; I enjoyed this challenge and the opportunity to introduce my WIP. It’s now up on my blog.

  19. Pingback: SACKS AND NOTEBOOKS | Ms M's Bookshelf

    1. Lovely to meet you too Paulette and thank you so much for your good wishes. Writing the book is not quite like anything else I have ever undertaken, an amazing challenge. I like the look of your book, thoroughly intrigued and will take a closer browse of it. With warmest wishes

  20. Hi there, Annika … do the visit now, because otherwise I forget about it.
    You have a fantastic way with words … excellent story teller or author.
    Really nice to meet you – and I’m glad that Jo sent you my way.
    Have a lovely weekend, we have a Royal Wedding tomorrow afternoon, always brighten up everything.

    1. Hi Viveka, lovely to see you here. Thank you so much for your kind words; that means a lot to me. As you might have guessed I love writing! Your blog looks so interesting and varied, amazing photos, eloquent writing. When reading about the yellow house in Istanbul you captured it so well and brought it life for me – my mind is now spinning with a story idea based upon it.

      How exciting with a royal wedding – I had no idea and had to google all about it. Enjoy the festivities, do you celebrate with friends or have street parties?

      1. Annika, that would be lovely if you could write about the lonely yellow house … with that sad history.
        Yes, the last of the Royal bunch to be wed for a couple of years. The new once are only a couple of years old. So I doubt I will see any more Swedish Royal weddings. I just love weddings, even if I don’t really believe in marriage. *laughter.
        No, no street party here like they do over in UK. We are not that patriotic, but I’m sure that is some people that will have some kind of party at home.

    1. Wow! Thank you so much for this nomination; I feel honoured and touched. As my first ever award it means a lot to me. I am so happy to accept and will post a blog of my nominees etc this week.

  21. Hi Annika. Enjoyed reading your very interesting About page. Thank you for following my blog. It sounds like we have a lot in common, we both love books, and writing! Good luck to you on your writing journey, we can encourage each other along the way. Happy Reading and Writing!

  22. What a small world Annika. I hail from Leeds and moved to the Scarborough area about 22 years ago.
    I know and love Ilkley. As a brownie I stayed in the old YH near the Cow and Calf rocks.
    Oh, that takes me back.
    Love your bio and your passion and determination for life shine through your words.
    Looking forward to reading your posts. 🙂

    1. Dorne, thank you so much for your warm and kind words. Yorkshire is a wonderful part of the world and I was lucky enough to go to Ilkley Grammar School and during the summers we often took our packed lunches out onto the moors. Magic. I have family in Ilkley and we often spend holidays in Yorkshire – this half-term looking forward to a week in a rented cottage in the middle of the North Yorkshire Moors.
      I always look out for your posts and thoroughly enjoy reading them; they are so positive and insightful.

  23. Thank you for your visit to my site and the ‘follow’. I am going to follow you as well. I look forward to many more of your post. Your writing is beautiful.

  24. Thanks for your visit to my site and the ‘like’ on my post. I love your ‘About Page’. I’m going to dive in a little more and read more of your post.

    1. Thank you for your warm comment and hope you enjoy some of the posts. Great to have you visiting! Your phrase ‘raft of words’ from your post is not one I will forget, such a beautiful sheer image.

  25. socool

    Annika, I am finally here and anxious to start reading your blog. I know I am going to love reading everything you have written. Can’t wait to get started, so off I go. Hugs Annika and Good Luck! Cheryl from FO

  26. Hello Annika! I love your profile. May God give you all the health, strength and abilities you need to shine brightly in your writing career! By the way, I invite you to my blog on Friday. I have a little surprise for you. This does not mean you have to wait till Friday to visit my blog. Feel free to visit at any time even right away; but make sure you come on Friday to get your little pleasant surprise. Well, Friday is a long time away and I wouldn’t appreciate any one keeping me waiting in suspense for so long. So let me let the cat out of the bag: I found a quotable sentence in your post and I am including it in Quotes by Great Contemporary writers published every Friday on my blog.Keep shining Perry!

    1. Hello Ngobesing, thank you very much for your kind words and good wishes. Great to have you as a follower and I have already visited your blog, very interesting and inspiring. Look forward to Friday and so happy you could use one of my sentences for a quote. I’m honoured.

      1. Hello Annika! Thanks for your positive response. I have a gift of recognizing talent as soon as I set eyes on it. You have great talent and my purpose on earth is to help people get the most out of their talents. I am sure you wouldn’t regret spending a little more time on my blog. I love those who visit it so much and I give them my best. Let me recommend just one post to you: “You are wonderfully talented.” Search for it if you find time.

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