
Jill Weatherholt set us a lovely challenge on her latest post and one I was immediately tempted to carry forward.

She linked to a POST which was one of her favourites to write and did not relate to the number of likes, comments or views.


Jill’s favourite post celebrated friendships and particularly nicknames. It was impossible to forget her ‘Jilly Bean’ nickname acquired at college. In my response nearly two years ago, I mentioned that I felt neglected at school as I was only ever only known by my name. At university this changed. Finally, I gained not only one nickname but a ‘fair collection’ as I’d written to Jill. I was quietly chuffed! Even if they weren’t the most flattering.

Of course, my Swedish heritage was picked up early on and many letters from my best friends started out ‘Turnip-Top’! During my first year, stress and poor diet resulted in some hair loss. Not one to keep shtum I mentioned the strands of hair collecting on my hairbrush. After a few weeks my nicknames had extended to ‘Yul’ (actor), ‘Duncan’ (swimmer) and ‘Sinead’ (singer) – all whose common factor was their baldness. I was not reassured but learning to laugh at myself taught me an invaluable lesson.

Now, to Jill’s challenge. Would we do the same? Think of our favourite post and write about it.  How could I refuse?!

With nearly two hundred posts over three years, whilst not burgeoning, this is not an insignificant number and would be unwieldy to glance through on WordPress. Luckily I have a shortcut in place!

Every few months I have been saving my posts on Scrivener. This started out as I never could work out how to save the blog and I am slightly paranoid that all the work will just disappear in a jiffy! I spent a contented hour scrolling through my posts, creating a shortlist of ten before narrowing down a winner!

Apart from writing, I enjoy throwing myself into research. Posts which require a lot of information harvesting and sorting, before collating into an article accompanied by photographs are pure bliss!


The 17th-century Kindle post ticks all the boxes. First and foremost, it’s all about books and tiny ones at that. Secondly, they are very old and delicate ones; my imagination was captured by the idea that someone created a portable library all those centuries ago – hence the Kindle in the title. Thirdly, the research was intricate and fiddly whilst the images served up a colourful visual feast. What wasn’t there to savour?  I hope you enjoy reading the post as much as I did writing it! As this was posted in my early days of blogging it should be fresh and new to most of you. HERE is the full post.

Annika:Paper PhotoFinally, I might be a bit absent from blogs in the next couple of weeks as I am not only continuing with my writing work but have also received an invitation to talk to a creative writing group at a private school. I was contacted by them following my recent newspaper interview which is available to read HERE.

As I’m preparing my talk, I’m gradually conquering my initial terror at the thought of the school visit and now look forward to chatting with the very keen and enthusiastic group of 11-16 years-olds as ‘an inspiring author’. Having heard briefly about their terrific work, I have a feeling it will be an afternoon of mutual inspiration.

I hope you have enjoyed my personal reflections and the link to my favourite post and that you will consider joining in and share your favourite blog post and explain why you chose it. 


98 thoughts on “POTPOURRI

  1. Pingback: Driving with the Top Down | roughwighting

  2. Congratulations Annika, on being invited to speak with a creative writing group – they are going to learn a ton from you! The nickname I have had for almost 26 years, is Kid. It comforts me to know that when I am 80, I will still be referred to as Kid. 🙂

    1. Hi Kid!! 😀😃 That’s a good nickname and yeah, a great one for all time! Thank you so much for your reassuring words about the school talk … I’m really looking forward to it and found it’s been useful for me to examine my way of writing, what I feel has worked well, and also what ‘s not been successful. I’m eager to hear their work too. Hope all is well with you, Tanya. xxx

  3. Mike

    Interesting blog Annika. The nicknames bought back memories of my school days- most of my friends at school were only known by their nicknames, so much so that while I sill remember these I struggle to remember their actual names!
    I remember reading the 17th Century Kindle post and it was like revisiting an old friend when I read it again. Same ideas, just different technology.
    Also it was great to hear about your school visit. I am sure you will do well and although these things can be daunting they can also be very rewarding. I bet the children will be thrilled to meet a published author – and who knows, there may be another article in the local paper!

    1. Mike, thank you so much for your lovely comment and I’m so happy you remember the 17th Century kindle post from the first time around. This was definitely not a matter of throwing a couple of books into the luggage – the loving crafting of this traveling library is amazing.

      I had to laugh at how nicknames were so prevalent in your school you almost forgot each other’s names – now I have to ask if you want to share some you were known by?!

      Thank you so much for your encouragement about my upcoming school visit. I am thrilled to be going and it will so exciting to talk to these young writers. Haha … I’m way ahead of you about a possible article in the paper and am already in contact with them. Fingers crossed! 😀

  4. I´m so glad you picked up Jill´s challenge, Annika! What a marvelous idea of hers and I loved reading your favorite post – it´s so lovely and special and speaks volumes of your love to the written word, which I share. 🙂 I´ve just read her post too, and commented that my favorite post to write was the one inspired by you and the bowl you left on your laundry basket. 😉
    Wish you a beautiful and creative day and week! Hugs! xxxxx

    1. Sarah, I was immediately taken with Jill’s challenge and set to looking through my older posts straight away. What a delight and it was more a matter of not becoming side-tracked! 😀 The loving care in crafting these books is phenomenal and it’s wonderful that reading was such a valued pastime all those centuries ago.

      Ahh…I can’t say how touched I am that your favourite post is the one of my laundry basket – I remember the day I saw it out of the blue on your blog!! I just squealed with joy and I was so happy. For me, it is one of my favourites too … but I am biased though!! Wishing you a wonderful and creative week too. hugs xxxx

  5. As always, your posts make me think and smile and nod my head in recognition. First and foremost, when you meet the students and talk about creative writing and publishing, please remember that you are not an aspiring writer. You ARE A WRITER. Period!!! I have no doubt that they will enjoy listening to your every word, and be inspired by you. I know I am.
    Second, great idea on re-posting a favorite post. I may do that next Friday. In the meantime, don’t be away too long, my blogging friend. I’ll miss you too much! ❤

    1. Pam, first I’m so excited to see your re-blog of one of your favourite posts!! 😀 Can’t wait to read it!

      Ahh…thank you so much for saying I inspire you – that is wonderful to know and a real boost! I’m all set now and happy with my ‘talk’ and the pieces I’ve chosen from my book to read. It’s going to be an amazing experience for me and I’m so looking forward to hearing some of their work – they sound like a wonderfully enthusiastic group of young writers. Hooray!! 😀 Keep having a most brilliant holiday, my friend! hugs xxxx ❤️

  6. You are an amazing lady. Have fun at the private school and giving your talk there. It should be rewarding to meet young people. All the best while you are absent from blogs. You are always with me however in thought, Annika. Enjoy and best of luck. 🙂

    1. Mary Ann, thank you so much for your heartwarming and kind comment! ❤️ I am so looking forward to meeting the students and am keen to impart the wonder of the written word … from the little I have heard about their work I am sure they will inspire me just as much! Xx

      1. Well, bring your journal to take notes. A lifelong learner should have much enjoyment with the students. I hope you tell them what inspires you to write what you do. When they discover there is beauty in every moment and every “little” thing in live, they too will be inspired to write short stories and poetry. I hope they give you permission for us to see samples of their work in the future. You will do a great job! Let them play with words. Those that are “stuck” should write something about a word or image you give them. I think you will enjoy what they conjure up too.

        1. Mary Ann, what a wonderful idea!! 😀 I received a new journal for Christmas and I’ll bring that along as a school visit one! Thank you and also for your advice. I’m definitely going to say what makes me want to write and where I’ve drawn inspiration from. Time is built into the meeting for them to share their work as well and I can’t wait to hear them all! At the moment my only problem is that my talk is FAR too LONG!! Editing pen coming out… Thank you so much, my friend! xxx

          1. Annika, the best is to speak directly from the heart. Only outline your talk or simply have bullet points on a page. Once you have everything down, trim, trim, trim. More important is to meet them and tell them who you are. I used to give themes for my German classes to write haiku poems and then illustrate them to decorate the classroom walls. It is such an easy form and less intimidating than trying to rhyme. Three lines, unrhymed and a total of 17 syllables. Some of my former themes were friends, family, spring, yourself(about themselves), love, etc. Everyone writes on the same theme but with dramatically different results and a starting point for conversation. How long is their class? 45 min.? Or do you have longer? I would only talk about myself for a maximum of 5 min. and then allow their questions or whatever they are sharing with you. As a parting gift, you might provide one page with your image and a poem or a starting point for a story they are to finish and share in class or with family and friends. I like to have my classes the focal point and less about me. I understand, however, that you were invited for a specific reason. If you can afford it, I would purchase small journals in which I would sign my name and tell them to fill this with their thoughts for the next week. At the end of that time, they can go back through and create an image, poem or story. Oh, gosh, I am too verbose. I totally understand it when you say your talk is too long. Why not put it all into a form to hand out to them at the END of your presentation? That way, if you run out of time or want to do something spur of the moment with them, they will have what you wrote. Are you going to gift the class an autographed set of your book or do they already have it? I left a set of 30 in Germany when I visited the school and read aloud some of my poems. All were autographed. Good luck, lovely lady. p.s. We have companies who will print names, etc. onto pencils. Relatively inexpensive for a set and they will think of you as they fill journals. I imagine though they write with a pen.

            1. Wow!! Mary Ann, you’re a tour de force on school visits / promotion!! 😀Thank you so much for sharing all these brilliant ideas. I’m printing this out for future visits – I am hoping to make many more, particularly with my children’s book! I loved the idea of a pen and I’ve now ordered some with a little message and my name on them – in blue to match the book cover. Also a great idea to have handout of the talk – there is a lot of information in it and I can see it will be helpful for them to have a printed version to look at closely over time! Thank you so much for your wonderful suggestions…your enthusiasm is contagious and I’m even more excited now. xx

              1. Thank you for your kind words, Annika. My passion was teaching German so it is still “in my blood” so to speak. I still have some of my book promotional materials like business cards and bookmarks. I love the idea of bookmarks with contact information of where your book can be obtained for example. A favorite quote it good too. You could design your own bookmarks and have them printed on cardstock which is sturdier than regular paper. I imagine if you have the printer, time and patience, you could print out several on one page of cardstock and simply cut them. Hole punch one end and include some colorful yarn if you like. This is one of my favorites which I gift family and friends. https://www.monticelloshop.org/070188.html
                I love the saying on it that Jefferson could not live without books. I too am now excited for you. When is your visit to the school? Perhaps the project in class if you have more time is for each student to create a bookmark and personalize it with a special quote regarding reading or writing. Another project for another time. I must stop; otherwise, I’ll be writing you another book. Enjoy the preparation and keep the talk short and sweet and allow time for student interaction. 🙂

  7. What a lovely post, Annika. Thanks for sharing it again. And have fun with the class of aspiring writers! I’m sure you’ll have a blast and feed off the enthusiasm. Enjoy every moment of it – perhaps one day, a write will look back and remember you as sparking their creativity and determination and setting them off on a new path. 🙂

    1. Diana, that would be quite something – to inspire a young person to write!! 😀 Preparing the talk I’ve been thinking a lot about my teacher at school and how he inspired me … an incredible influence. These students sound so keen and full of energy in their creative endeavours and I can well imagine I’ll be bubbling with ideas afterwards!

  8. I think all the exercise (and early mornings 🙂 ) must be catching up with me, Annika, because I am so tired. I did remark to Jill that I might take her up… later. 🙂 Enjoy your latest challenge, hon, and hopefully I’ll have given myself a good shake and be bright and alert when you get back.

    1. Many thanks, Jo! 😀 I’m really looking forward to it and it will be so exciting to see what makes these young writers tick! It would be great if you might take up this challenge at a later stage …until then take some time out to rest and recover from those early mornings! 😀❤️

  9. I just love reading your posts, Annika. Do NOT lose a single one–no narrowing it down to a favorite. And good luck at your school visit. I too would be fairly nervous but your book–they could not fail but love it.

    1. Ahh…Jacqui, bless you for your wonderful comment. 😀 My main worry was that the book would not be to their taste – your words here help to allay that fear! Also, I feel a bit reassured that you too would be a bit nervous!! If that makes sense? It is very personal talking about one’s work – I want to do it justice and also leave them excited about writing! Thank you also for your comment about my posts…that is so kind. I won’t lose any! Xxx

  10. 17th Century Kindle–what fun! A bit heavier than today’s Kindles, I imagine 😀

    So exciting that you were asked to speak (Great interview, too)! Relax and enjoy talking to the teens. So often kids have so much creative energy, and wild ideas–I know my daughter did. Still does, I think. Enjoy your presentation; may it be the first of many (yes, scary I know, but that’s part of being an author, right? 😀 )

    1. Julie, I too was laughing at the thought of trying to take this portable library on a charter flight holiday! Reckon it goes way above weight allowance!😀

      I’m so excited about talking to the students, but obviously nervous too! I honestly hadn’t thought about this part of writing and publishing at all … events are overtaking any of my expectations! Oh, these young writers seem to be teeming with ideas and energy from the little I’ve learnt of their work … and luckily time is built in for me to hear some of their writings! Reckon I’ll be the one fired up with enthusiasm!

  11. Davy D

    Thanks for the link to this post Annika and I much prefer this Kindle to the modern day version. All the best with your school visit I am sure you will be brilliant 🙂

    1. That’s exactly what I thought, Davy! 😀 It would be heavenly to be able to travel with this portable library and I’d treasure every single book! Ahh…many thanks for your best wishes for the visit – exciting times! Reckon my nerves are up there with your radio show! 😀

      1. Davy D

        Apparently Annika the nerves are good as they keep us alert and motivated. Did I read that somewhere or have I just made it up? 🙂

  12. Wow huge congrats Annika on your upcoming speaking event, that’s amazing! And as for those old nicknames, my gosh I’ve also had my fair share of unflattering nicknames, even if they were made in jest. 🙂 I’m off to check out your other post. ❤

    1. Debby, I know, it feels amazing to be doing the presentation and I initially nearly asked if they hadn’t made a mistake!! 😀😀 I’d always laughed at these nicknames and they helped me smile! I do have lots of loving sweet ones from my family which I should perhaps have put in!!

  13. A huge congratulations on the speaking engagement. Don’t be nervous. You’ll do great! And don’t worry about being absent. We all have to do what we must to keep moving forward!! Best of luck with your endeavors!

    1. Thank you so much, Jan!! 😀 It is a huge and unexpected honour! Oh, I’m definitely a bit nervous but sure they will help put me to ease. I’ve found two perfect passages to read out so will happily ‘hide’ behind my book!! It is strange how the book is taking me to new levels on the ground as well as online … I’m just clinging on for the ride! 😀🌺

  14. So many exciting things happening! I’m sure the classroom experience will be rewarding and hope we are going to here about it. Funnily enough my post this week, and I wouldn’t mention my own blog here under normal circumstances but, I thought I was being unique with the title of my last post which connected ‘clickbait’ with old news items. I love to see the connections between past and present too.

    1. How true about so many new and exciting things happening at the moment – I can barely keep up! 😀 I’m so looking forward to the school visit and I felt inspired even just hearing about their wide and varied work. No problem about mentioning your post and I love your title!! It’s so interesting learning all about the tea articles … obviously a huge interest for everyone then. The past is so very much part of our present and I have to smile when I realise they were already way ahead of us!

  15. That’s quite an interesting look at a 17th-Century Kindle. How fascinating!

    Oh, you must be thrilled to be able to address that group of students. They share the same passion you have and will surely be brimming with questions. I hope you’ll share your experience in another blog post!

    1. Mae, I’m so glad you liked the17th-century kindle post … the care and love into its creation is extraordinary!

      I’m so excited and honoured to be asked to talk to the students and I’m counting on them having lots of questions!! 😀😀 It’s so exciting and they sound so enthusiastic and brimming with ideas and energy … I’m sure I’ll come away inspired and full of fresh and unusual ideas!

  16. What a great idea for the time, Annika, a miniature, miniature library! I can see why you enjoyed writing the post. Shambhala has a series of small books it calls pocket classics that make great books to take backpacking or on journeys, both for their size and content. Titles include books like the “Tao Teh Ching” by Lao Tzu, “Turtle Island” by the poet Gary Snyder and “Walden” by Thoreau. Plus many more. They have been on many trips with us. –Curt

    1. Curt, I’m so excited to learn about Shambhala!! I’ve never heard of them before and am smitten with the idea that small books are being printed for travellers! That is wonderful and what a treat at the end of the day! Wow! 😀😀 Now all they need to create is a little library case for them and you have this 17th-century all up to date!

    1. Thank you so much, Bette! 😀❤️ I’m so glad you liked the interview … I must admit I was chuffed with it too! Oh, you must be a natural at school visits, Bette. I’m really looking forward to it with eager but nervous anticipation! Hugs xx

  17. I learn something new every time I stop by your “place.” We have benefited from all that has occurred in the past, and now it is our watch, our turn to add to the knowledge of those who came before. I laughed when I read your title: The 17th Century Kindle. It’s a reminder that we are not so different from those who lived centuries ago – we just have more advanced technology. For example, on this day, February 18, 1678, John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress was first listed listed in a Term Catalogue, which is the preview of what will be available at upcoming fairs. There were “books fairs” and “Goodreads” back in the 1600’s, too. By the way, I am going to check out Scrivener- thanks for giving me a new place to explore. And as for your upcoming talk – you’re a natural. I know whatever you do, you will be amazing. Happy Sunday from Vancouver!!

    1. Rebecca, first of all thank you so much for you warm encouraging words about my talk at the school … reading this is such a boost!! ❤️😀 I loved learning about Pilgrims Progress and how similar we are to the bygone era when the book was originally published! And we think we are such trailblazers with book fairs and Goodreads! 😀 Wow! I can’t believe the book is 340 years old! Scrivener has been wonderful to work with but just one note of caution. When I started to use it, there wasn’t a version of tablets. There is now but it does not save seamlessly across various devices and instead goes via Dropbox. I’ve found this a bit tricky and also sometimes the document isn’t syncing which causes me worry! On the computer I used it with joy! I hope you’re having a wonderful week in Vancouver! After a Spring-like weekend with lots of sunny weather we’re back to grey cold drizzle! Grrr.. warm hugs xxxx

      1. Thank you for your insight. I bought Scrivener the same day of my comments on your post – both for my iPad and for my Windows desktop. I can see that the sync is not as seamless as Google Docs or One Drive, BUT I am delighted with my purchase. It is the first time I can organize huge amounts of information. You will recall that I’m archiving my father’s photos. My mother is 87 and, as I told her, we are on limited time to write my parents story – time is of the essence. Scrivener is the perfect for this project. Sending hugs along with warm gratitude.

        1. Rebecca, Yes, I remember the huge archiving task ahead of you and I’m SO happy that Scrivener can help with this. It is easy to use and there is nothing quite like it out there. God luck with your project … it will a very emotional time for you and your mother. warmest hugs xxxx

  18. You will enjoy your presentation. I know I always have a good time when I visit schools. Your early post is very informative. Obviously, you put a lot of effort into the research. xo

    1. Darlene, whilst doing history A-level, I was one of those who thrived on the research, the more books the better!! 😀 The love of digging around for information from various resources never left me neither has my joy of sharing it.

      I’m sure I’ll have a fantastic and inspiring time at the school – as my first experience of this though I am slightly apprehensive. I think it’s great how much you enjoy your visits. I remember the photo of you at a school and you looked so relaxed and the students so full of smiles and support. That is wonderful. Do you have any special advice for me? xxx

      1. Just be yourself and treat it like chatting with friends. They love to hear about you as well as your book and make sure there is time for questions. I am always amazed at the questions I am asked. I was apprehensive the first time too. They will love you!

  19. At the outset, I must congratulate you Annika for the invitation to meet a group of creative writers at a school…you would be amazed at their enthusiasm and potential! I am sure that is going to be great fun as well as a learning experience. I would look forward to your reflections after you have finished this project. Wishing you all the best!
    Just now I have read your old post about the way books were written and valued in 17th century and am feeling blessed to have this laptop in my hands and kindle by my bedside! Those books must be so time consuming to write, heavy to carry around and must be needing all the care in the world to keep them…a real treasure to preserve for the posterity. History is so fantastic!
    Thanks for the links! Stay blessed and keep inspiring. 🙂

    1. Balroop, thank you so much for your terrific comment and your best wishes for my upcoming school visit! 😀The enthusiasm of the students seems to know no bounds from the very little I’ve already learnt about them … their wealth of work sounds astonishing. I want to do my best to inspire them even further!

      I’m so happy you enjoyed the post about the 17th-century kindle books. The love and care to create them are phenomenal and they must have been looked after so well – they are nearly in immaculate condition after four hundred years! I imagine a servant or such would have done the heavy carrying and what a treasure to always have a book at hand. Kindles and such are wonderful but wow, imagine holding one of these!

      Thank you so much for your encouragement … warmest wishes to you, Balroop. hugs xxxx❤️

  20. To repost a neglected article with an update explanation is a great idea, and I may take you up on your challenge, Annika.

    It’s funny to think of feeling noticed by the amount of nicknames assigned, even the slightly offending ones.

    Now I’m off to read your newest old post and the newspaper article. Your new book is waiting patiently (maybe not so patiently) on my shelf, but I have a few reading obligations first, and I’m a slow reader. But I am so looking forward to The Storyteller Speaks.

    1. Sharon, it would be great if you took up the challenge and reposted one of yours! I can’t wait to read it! Be warned … it is not easy to just choose one and I had to be ruthless in the end!

      Ahh…my book is very patient indeed and I’m honoured you have it on your shelf waiting to be read.

      As for the nicknames, it was all part of feeling included, accepted and I realised they were trying to cheer me up in their own way – I was going a bit stir-crazy with worry! We’re still very good friends and met up with one only yesterday and enjoyed a lovely sunny walk around a beautiful garden on the first spring-like day of the year. Bliss … I can feel the energy returning after the long winter. hugs xxx

  21. Congratulations Annika for the interview as well as the invitation for school talk. 🙂 I’m sure you’ll enjoy and as you’ve said gain “mutual inspiration”. Young minds are full of creative ideas.
    As for the post on the box of books, it was an interesting read. So much of patience people had back then.

    1. Thank you very much, Norma! 😀 I couldn’t believe it when the school contacted me as soon as the interview came out online! I was both thrilled and terrified! Now as I’m preparing the talk, gathering thoughts on writing matters, I am so looking forward to meeting with them all. Their work sounds phenomenal and I’m sure they have lots to teach me!

      The travel library is just incredible and the care and love in its development are fantastic – and to think it survives intact four hundred years later is amazing. Many thanks for your lovely comment.

      1. I’m sure you’ll rock n’ roll there. It will be a fabulous speech. Best wishes as always, Annika. 😀
        People of the past and what they have left behind for us always intrigues me.

  22. Annika, I just went over to read your interview with your local paper.. Wonderful and sorry to hear your nicknames were often not that flattering. I started to have a patch of hair loss last year for no reason I could think of, but it seems to have righted itself.. So I am happy yours did too.
    Its wonderful you are being invited to speak and you will be perfectly fine.. And like you say I am sure you will gain as much as the students will from your talk..
    Sending Huge hugs and you also remind us about saving our blog posts too.. There is a download in our Dashboard that enables us to save our blogs. You have reminded me I must do it again.. It has to be about a year or more since I last did it. xx
    Wishing you a relaxing Sunday xx ❤

    1. Sue, thank you so much for your lovely comment – and for telling me about the save button – I will try and locate it!!😀 I’m sorry to read about your slight hair loss last year – it is very worrying. My first time was as a student at uni when I had very long blond hair and I’d never had any problems before. I went crazy with worry, to be honest, and the nicknames were my friends’ attempt to cheer me up and include me in the group! It is a friendship circle that remains to this day! Please don’t feel sorry for me.

      Oh, I can’t wait to talk at the school…I’m both excited and nervous but just hearing about the students and their enthusiasm for writing has me inspired and keen to see their work.

  23. I’m honored that my post inspired you to write such a wonderful article and to share your favorite blog post. I so enjoyed reading about the 17th-century Kindle. But I was saddened by your nicknames. That said, the fact that you learned a valuable lesson makes the pain sting a little less. Congratulations on the article and the speaking engagement, Annika! This is wonderful news. I do hope you’ll share the experience and let me know how you overcame your fear of speaking. That’s definitely something I struggle with myself. Good luck, sweet friend and thank you for mentioning me in this lovely post. ❤

    1. My theory for this talk is to be well-prepared – and I hope this helps a lot!! 😀 As my son reassures me, the students are all there willingly and keen to listen to a writer – and I was enthused just hearing a bit about their work so can’t wait to read some of theirs as well. It will be an afternoon of sharing for us all – and being mutually inspired! Jill, thank you for your inspirational post – I was just in the process of putting one together when I read your post and I was immediately smitten with the idea of trying to search for my own personal favourite!

      Please don’t be sad for me!! 😀I don’t know if this is quirky English humour but my friends and I are still firm friends and I met up with one and her husband yesterday and we were laughing about it all! She even remembered some others!

      1. That makes me happy to hear that you all can laugh about the names. 🙂
        I think we both can thank Christy for the inspiration…I just passed it along.
        I’ll look forward to hearing about your exciting day, Annika! No doubt, you’ll d great! ❤

    1. Brigid, I love the thought of creating ripples in the schools – I so want to share my love and joy for writing with the students … and I’m sure I’ll enjoy it immensely (particularly once I’ve got started!!) xx

    1. Robbie, do you have any tips for me?! 😀 My main concern is that the age range is quite big but the uniting force is a passion for writing and I hope that will reign strong! When my children’s book comes out I reckon more visits, this time to primary schools, will follow. Oh, I’m just going to concentrate on work for this visit and the book for a couple of weeks but will still be around! 😀

      1. High school children are more difficult to engage with than primary school children. I use a chocolate house building exercise to engage with younger kids. With older kids, I try to find something they can relate to like a song that has the theme I am talking about or a modern cartoon to get them interested. I also try to let them take part and ask questions and think aloud.

        1. Robbie, you confirm what I guessed – that it is easier with the younger school children! Thank you so much for your suggestions … and I particularly like the idea of asking questions and thinking aloud during the talk itself. That is something I’ll look at incorporating. Thank you! 😀

  24. I am enchanted by this fun and superbly crafted post. The pictures alone are a wonder before you start enetertaining us with your nick names. I know what you mean though, those names are often a token of affection and acceptance.
    Interesting subject in itself.
    I remember the 17th centuary library – Kindle of the day. It was such delight and so appealing that it still sticks in my mind. I will head over and reread it.

    You go busy authour and stoop being worried, just enjoy this ride. You worked hard for it and successfully.

    1. Miriam, thank you so much for your warm and encouraging words! ❤️ This writing and publishing has been and is a most amazing and unexpected ride … I’m learning to just go with the flow and say yes to everything!😀 You are right in seeing that the names were a token of affection and acceptance…they helped me smile at a time when I had a lot of concern! I’m so happy you remember this post from my very early days of blogging … I later wrote a small article for a writing magazine based on the post and it was published which was great! 😀

  25. Khaya Ronkainen

    You go, Mrs Perry! 🙂
    I enjoyed reading your post, and impressed by your goals shared on your recent interview. And what a brilliant idea to have your paperback available to borrow!

    Good luck with preparing your talk for what I consider a lovely, curious and enthusiastic audience (age group). You sure will have a fun time answering all their questions. All best, Annika. ❤

    1. Khaya, I’m smiling at the Mrs Perry!! 😀😃 My preparation for the talk is on par with that for the blurb – lots of notes and ideas which need collating into some order. I’m also looking through to see what passages from my book will appeal to the group. I know, I can’t wait for the questions … and also seeing and listening to some of the students’ work!

      The book cafe which has the book out to borrow is where my writing group meets once a month and the couple who own it are lovely and so helpful. Since my book was on display a lady I know in town approached me and asked to buy two copies – one for her and one for her sister! A great day!! I also have the book available to borrow at the library and they have been so positive as well.

      I hope all is going well with your writing and preparing for publication! Good luck. xxxx

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