Kitchen FloodRules and boundaries have a certain appeal to me and when I was recently challenged to try my hand at the unusual Etheree poetry format I accepted quickly!

Etheree follows a syllable count up (or down) by one syllable at a time. In other words, in the pattern of 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10 syllables. It does neither need to rhyme nor to hold to a particular metre.

My first poem follows the trauma of a recent flood, just days before a big birthday party. With the distance of time it’s been comforting to write about it here!

Screen Shot 2018-10-02 at 12.08.20

The following fictional poem takes up the eternal encompassing trauma of the breakdown of marriages witnessed around us on a daily basis.

The Death Throes

Many thanks to Dr. Mary Ann Niemczura for asking to read my Etheree poems. She is a wonderful and supportive friend I made here on WordPress and it is always a delight to read her poetry. I encourage you to take a look at her blog by clicking here.

111 thoughts on “TRAUMAS

  1. Indeed it is an interesting form that you have used well to convey two very different kinds of trauma … sadly so many experience the later … how can love turn so sourly to hate, wrong when there are children caught in the middle 😦

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely and interesting comment, Kate. I found this format fascinating and concentrating on the exact words and count helped focus my creative flow rather than hampering it which I’d expected. I so agree, the breakdown of a marriage is particularly hard when children are caught in the middle … it is always up to the adults to ensure this does not happen.

  2. Dearest Annika… I hadn’t come across this form of poetry until the other week.. I love what you have done with your original piece of poetry to the image.. A Kitchen re-fit was more stressful to me than moving, as everything that could go wrong did..
    Love that you are up for new challenges.. 🙂

    1. Sue, this was a new format to me too but since seen it about quite a lot on WP and I’m enjoying everyone’s unique and original take on the challenge. On the day and immediately following the damage I was anything but calm … now resigned and excited abou the refit. I’m so sorry you had such a stressful time redoing your kitchen – that should not happen!

      1. No, the firm we had had a fall out with their fitting staff, meaning only one man came when there should have been two.. It was eight weeks of hell to be honest, no water in the kitchen, washing dishes upstairs.. And long waits for the waterboard to fix a main stop tap on the street which couldn’t be turned off… So I fully get the trauma.. ❤

  3. That opening photo is a beauty. 🙂 🙂 So sorry, Annika! My own life has been full to overflowing just lately and I’ve spent very little time with the blogs. I can just picture you sinking into the armchair, in distress. What a horrid thing! I don’t even know how I’d go about writing in this style. Free write it first, then adjust and ‘chop it up?’ Sounds so crude put like that, but I think you’ll know what I mean. 🙂 Anyway, you did a great job!

    1. Jo, I couldn’t believe my luck when I came across this first photo on pixaby … just perfect and very striking! If nothing else, this was worth posting on its own! 😀 No apologies necessary and I totally understand you’re super busy – I hope the painting is soon all done; it sure tests those shoulder and arm muscles.

      I sunk into the armchair … after a couple of hours mopping! Absolutely in despair and thought I’d have to cancel the whole party which was just a week away. In the end that went ahead and was the best ever!

      I totally understand what you mean about starting free-style. At first I was apprehensive of trying such a formatted and rigid style but found it surprisingly liberating. I sketched some ideas out, then picked and played around with words and ideas. It was a lot of fun and an expressive way of writing – I hope you give it a go! Happy Decorating & Travelling! Xx

  4. You did an exceptional job on these etherees. I never heard of them before. Your words express the angst of each moment perfectly.I hope all goes well with your kitchen. Thanks for sharing. 🤗 xx

    1. Janice, thank you so much! 😀 They were a lot of fun to write … I didn’t intentionally write about two such angst-ridden topics … but wonder if it isn’t with so much of writing that despair, sadness etc is easier to write about! Just about getting all final quotes etc sorted for the kitchen … I’ve ‘escaped’ to Sweden for a few days and relaxing to leave it all behind! Xx

  5. Khaya Ronkainen

    Wow, look at what you can do! Trauma in both poems is so vividly captured. I also love the brevity of the form, I sure will play around with this Etheree form.

    Keep well my friend, and I sincerely hope the insurance has sorted damages caused by the flooding by now…x

    1. Oh, Khaya, such positive feedback from yourself means a lot … thank you so much! 😀The brevity, which I thought would be tricky, actually helped to focus my thoughts and word choice. Enjoy playing around with this form and I hope you share one or two on your blog.

      The insurance and kitchen things are slowly sorting … I’ve escaped the hassle for a short while and am back in Sweden for a week. It is great to be here, at once so relaxing and inspiring! Wishing you a lovely and creative Autumn back in Finland. Xx

    1. Brigid, thank you so much … these were a treat to write and glad you enjoyed them both. Insurance and quotes are just about sorted and work due to start in November … before than a quick trip to Sweden to check over the houses before the winter sleep! It’s wonderful to be back and instantaneously inspiring! Hope you’re having a lovely Autumn … all my emails seem to be ending up in spam at the moment so will pop over to your blog and see what I’ve missed. Hugs xx

    1. Thank you for your caring comment … the poem is written well after the event and lots of tea and time has helped to readjust my initial panic/sadness to seeing the positive! It was very cathartic writing about it here – and all should be sorted by the end of November (fingers crossed).

    1. I hope you enjoy trying this format when you have a chance … surprisingly addictive! 😀 I’m so glad you liked the poems … it really helped writing about the kitchen flood. At the time I was beyond upset but in reality we are lucky compared to many. All nearly organised for everything to be sorted and had fun picking out a new counter this morning! Very different from the old one. Hope the preparations for your mother’s party are going well! 😀

    1. Jina, I don’t often write poetry but love when I do the concise, exact nature of choosing just the right word, to convey thoughts and feelings is strangely liberating! It was a new form to me too but I’ve seen it around here on WP recently. It’s fascinating to see everyone’s different style to the same format. Wishing you a lovely weekend. 😀🌺

  6. Two great poems, Annika! I’m glad you accepted. But I’m truly sorry you had to endure flooding. It is so frustrating and disruptive. I hope all will back to normal soon. Kramar.

    1. Helen, thank you so much for reading and your caring comment. Luckily the kitchen is useable and I’m in the process of talking to insurance and kitchen repair company … patience is definitely needed but I am thankful it wasn’t worse. Kram xx

  7. I am so impressed by both your poems, Annika. I am lucky not to have experienced a flood in my house but my parents had two in fairly quick succession after they moved into the house Mum lives in still. I know it is a miserable thing to have happen. I have gone though a divorce though, and you have captured the emotional turmoil exactly. I cannot write poetry but the etheree is a format I might be able to cope with. I still won’t be able to write anything better than doggerel!

    1. Clare, I hope you do try this etheree poertry format. As for doggerel, this is not so easy at all, I find and I would love to see some of yours! 😀 I am sorry to read you have gone through a divorce, I have seen the hardship of friends who have parted ways and it is unbelievably tough and complex. … I’ve tried writing a longer prose fiction piece but found that the brevity here captures the swings, heartache. Oh, your poor parents suffering not one but two floods – they must have despaired! I feel lucky as the damage is limited and the kitchen useable albeit not a pretty sight! I’m yet again learning patience whilst trying to sort the repairs!

  8. Pingback: thanksgiving – Ontheland

  9. The Etheree poetry format! Haven’t heard that style in a long time and I must say you did such a good job – each line flows into the other seamlessly. So sorry to hear about the flood and that it didn’t do your house and kitchen much good. Hopefully not too many things were damaged in the process and you have somewhere to still cook and make drinks. At least you will get a brand new kitchen at the end of it. Think of it as a big treat to yourself 🙂

    The second poem was also very well done. Sad fact is relationships do breakdown and there will always be the tug-of-war of emotions no want really wants. Either weather the storm or move on to a new path…that’s just life sometimes sadly.

    Hope you are well and have a good week, Annika 🙂

    1. Mabel, I’m intrigued how you seem to have heard of this style before – the only one so far! 😀 Is this is a format you’ve tried yourself? I’m so happy you found the lines flowing seamlessly into each other. Whilst writing poetry, I am mindful not to fall into prose and it is a whole different technique and approach – hugely addictive!

      Luckily the kitchen is fully useable if unsightly … with paperwork being processed I am now more patient and look forward to it all being sorted in due course (I’m aiming for before Christmas …)

      Tug-of-war describes the relationship swings perfectly as a marriage starts to founder … it can take time and heartache to reach a final decision.

      Thank you for your lovely comment and wishes … I am very well and just returned from an idyllic visit to Bath and its beautiful surroundings. Hope you’re well too and enjoying spring! 🌸🌺

      1. I took a creative writing class at university. Some of the classes involved studying poetry, and etheree was mentioned 🙂 Not a format I’ve tried myself, and really poetry is not my strong forte lol.

        So glad to hear your kitchen is on the way to being repaired! Hopefully just in time for the holidays and you can make some delicious dishes to ring in the New Year 🙂

  10. You tackled a new poetry form and succeeded, Annika! The 2nd Etheree poem is really powerful because it’s so true. I hope your flooding issues are resolved. Well done! Have a great weekend!
    😀 xx

    1. Vashti, hearfelt thanks for your lovely comment! ❤️ 😀 I am always cautious writing poetry and even more so with formatted ones – howeverI found these hugely enjoyable and inspiring to write! The second one is based on events I’ve witnessed around me … sadly true, so often we see this heartache, the long road to parting. As for the flood damage, all is in the process of sorting so fingers crossed for repairs before Christmas! I hope you had a lovely weekend, Vashti. My husband and I enjoyed a magical few days in the beautiful city of Bath and its countryside!

      1. Hi Annika! I’m happy you gave the poem a try. I’m glad the flood damage is being taken care of and I’ll send positive vibes your way so that it can all be sorted before the holidays. Your trip to Bath with your husband sounds lovely. It’s nice to take mini vacations––it’s good for the soul. Thank you, my friend. You have a wonderful week! ❤ xx

  11. You’ve done a beautiful job with these stories Annika. I only recently learned about this form of poetry at Colleen’s weekly poetry challenge. Looks like a fun challenge. 🙂

    1. Debby, I haven’t had a chance to look at your blog recently but wondered if you gave this format a go and posted about it? If so, please put the link as I would love to read yours. 😀 I’m so glad you enjoyed my two poems … I loved writing them and whilst I had expected the restriction of syllables to be a hindrance it rather focused and refined my writing. It’s great that Colleen is shining the spotlight on the etheree poetry and I expect to see many more around here on WP.

  12. What a great job you did with this format, Annika, but I’m sorry to hear about your kitchen and hope things will be dry and normal very soon. Your attitude is amazing, though, and one many of us should have in similar situations. I’ve never heard of this format, but I will certainly try it out. The second poem is truthful, sad to say, although I haven’t experienced it myself. The photos are also perfect companions to portray the emotions in the poems. Happy to read some new writing from you, too. Take care, my friend…💗🌻🌷

    1. Lauren, thank you so much for your warm care and concern … the kitchen is dry and useable whilst waiting for paperwork to go through! haha…I am smiling at your words about my attitude. Now I am patient and calm … at the time I was anything but! A slightly crazy couple of hours of mopping up when I was very upset…time does heal! I have seen friends go through partings and divorces and it is heartbreaking to witness and the topic has been on my mind a lot. I drew on their experiences and my own from break-up with boyfriends before my marriage … emotional turmoil and maelstrom.

      It was a joy to tackle this new format, and one to which I often return. It helps to sharpen and focus ones writing I feel … so glad you enjoyed them both … yes, I should post more of my new writing! Hope to soon again! hugs xx ❤️

  13. Found myself nodding in commiseration – we’ve had at least five slab leaks and indoor floods in this house. The damage from the one in the kitchen is still not fully repaired. But it’s just stuff. The damage from divorce is a more devastating issue and I hope you’re finding a way forward that allows each of you to maintain dignity.

    The poetic form of etheree is so interesting – reading each poem aloud, I feel the rage and alarm escalating, an unrelenting emotional cascade washing out in a tumult. Wishing you peace from all the duress.

    1. Shari, first of all I just want reassure you that the Death Throes of a Marriage poem is entirely fictional … thankfully I am not getting divorced! Still happily married and looking forward to a long romantic weeknd in Bath soon – our first long trip on our own in over 15 years! Very excited!

      I am however writing a piece about a breakdown in a relationship and this has been on my mind! I love how you feel the emotional cascade in these poems … I do like a bit of drama! 😀

      Oh no, how dreadful to have had so many floods and leaks, I really feel for you. This one time is bad enough and at least it is liveable. How true it is just stuff, at the time very stressful but I’ve become more pragmatic now. I hope everything sorts for you in due course.

      Thank you so much for all your care and concern. Love & hugs xx ❤️

  14. I love both of these poems, Annika. That picture–of the boat. Brings to mind Masters and Commanders (a wonderful book of that era). And the poem on marriage–it is so raw. I do see exactly what you describe around me. I want to tell them to suck it up–they’ll need that person later! But even for me, there are reasons why I wouldn’t.

    1. Warmest thanks for your wonderful and thoughtful comment, Jacqui and so happy you liked both poems! I agree, the marriage poem is written with more raw and immediate emotion than I usually use – it hearkens back to how I wrote when younger. The couple are conflicted and at this stage not sure which is the best way to go. I see what you mean about the top photo – I’ve only seen the beginning of Masters and Commanders but it became too intense for me! I’m a bit of a wimp! 😀 The photo is stunning though!

  15. Well-done, Annika! I’ve never heard of the form. Very intriguing; I might have to dabble at some point. I haven’t written poetry for decades. Hope you recovered from the flood! And the death of a marriage poem–very visceral. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Julie, I barely even dabble in poetry but still loved this form – I really hope you have a chance to try it out – it’s addictive! 😀Emotionally I have recovered from the flood, just the hassle to have it fixed. In the end it is just stuff and I realise how lucky we are compared to so many others! The death of a marriage poem is based on a rough fictional work I’m writing … as all writers I’m drawing on what I see in daily life around me as well as own emotional relationship dramas over the years. I agree, it is very visceral! I hope you have a chance to share some of your poetry in due course … I’ll keep an eye out for it! 😀

    1. Thank you so much, Iris! 😀 I’ve become unexpectedly attached to this poetry form and keep composing them in my head … I’m tempted to try the double etheree where it counts down as well! Will you try your hand at this poetic form? Alas, still waiting for final insurance letter but it’s liveable – just hope it’s all repaired by Christmas!

  16. Wow, Annika, both your poems are wonderful. This unstoppable pouring out of
    seemingly pent up words just wanting air to come out and tell us all about the
    Of a flooded kitchen
    Of the pain of a marriage breakdown.

    Both subjects described with the force of a wild waterfall, just contained within its banks. Or creating their own banks. I am amazed to see how not one of these words are contrived or
    one picked to make up the number of syllabus.
    You better write more before the the ‘banks’ within you burst. I haven’t seen any like these two. A hidden longing maybe. ❤️


    1. Miriam, your comment is a wonderful poem in its own right! Did you realise?! 😀 To your last point, I am beginning to wonder if there isn’t a longing, hidden for years, to try my hand at something like this. I am definitely hooked for now … the brief template suits me perfectly and I enjoyed finding the concise powerful wording required for each poem. I love your analogy of the waterfall and the banks we create … so often they are in danger of bursting. We have to find a way to relieve the flood within ourselves, our emotions and mind. Now, as a poet yourself, I ‘challenge’ you to write some etheree poems – and share some if you like … either here or on your blog.❤️

    1. Barbara, I’m not a fan of them (flooded kitchens) either – it sounds as if you have some experience of them. How true that time and distance is so important … time is passing quickly and distance will be a trip my husband and I are soon taking to the beautiful city of Bath! A much welcome break for just the two of us … we can’t wait! Wishing you a lovely rest of the week! 😀🌺

  17. Oh my gosh – you poor thing. The KITCHEN. But your attitude is stupendous. 🙂 I’ve never heard of etherees, but I have a feeling I’m going to LOVE trying them out – on me and on my creative writing students. Yours are spot-on, Annika.

    1. Pam, yeah, I’m so happy you’re going to try this poetic form and would love to see some of your creations! 😀 I’m sure you’re students will find Etherees as addictive as I have, coming up with ideas non-stop and having to rush away to scribble them down!

      My attitude is positive now, but a month ago is another matter! After helping for a couple of hours to mop up the worst, my son took himself out for a long walk to escape the emotion maelstrom in the house! Writing about it here was surprisingly therapeutic! Hugs xx

    1. Thank you so Bette … I am still shy of sharing my poetry here on WP but reading them to a friend they insisted I write a post! It means a lot that you liked them and I would love to see your etherees! As for the kitchen … insurance moves slowly but it is fully workable and rugs are the new colourful decoration over the cement flooring! If all is done before Christmas I’ll be happy! Many thanks for your lovely comment and concern. Xx ❤️

  18. I enjoy your etheree Annika…as much as one can given the subject matter. I noticed with the flood how the form itself is like a flood, starting small and then overflowing. The marriage breakdown piece portrays the confusion and pain, sadly, often experienced.

    1. Janice, I was hoping you’d see this and thank you so much for your thoughtful comment and reflections. I was touched to see your thoughts about the words overflowing, replicating a flood … not intended but definitely there! I’ve been writing a piece about a marriage breakdown so this topic has been on my mind … the pain, destruction and confusion … the etheree gave me a chance to concisely sum up my ideas!

      As a poet yourself, I was wondering what you think of the etheree overall? Is it something you would consider? I would love to see your poems in this style!

      1. I go through different phases…at one point I tried a variety of syllabic forms and now not as much…I think you unconsciously caught a link between form and content with your choice of topics for your etheree poems as they were about troubles that start with a trickle and build to overwhelming proportions.

  19. Wonderful of you to mention and try your hand at Etheree poems, Annika. Your results are stellar as always. Capturing a raw emotion and composing it in the form of an Etheree are aids to healing. Out neighbor recently lost her entire kitchen wall and everything inside. Insurance covered the loss from a leaking pipe in the wall which was not visible. Yikes. I feel for you and this flood disaster. And this too shall pass. Just take it one step at a time.

    1. Mary Ann, thank you so much for your wonderful comment and for the gentle nudge to try this unusual poetic form! It’s been hugely enjoyable and I’ll continue to write these for myself.

      I feel very sorry for your neighbour – any damage is traumatic and I can’t imagine losing a whole wall. It’s good with insurance but still hassle trying to sort everything. You’re right though … one step at a time! Writing the poem helped me see the positive in it all! 😃

      1. My pleasure, Annika. Fortunately the neighbor has a vacation house nearby and it was summer. They left for the month and several workers were in their home on a daily basis. She jokingly said that in a couple years, she wanted to remodel her kitchen – but not this way! Check our this blog for more information about the Etheree poetry forms.
        Writing heals and distracts from our own personal woes. I hope your kitchen does not take long to get back to “normal.”

        1. Many thanks for the link, Mary Ann. Very interesting and I’m now tempted to try the double etheree! I’ve become rather addicted to this format and keeping coming up with new ones!

          I’m with your neighbour on this is not the way you want to refit a kitchen … we had hoped to just fix the damaged areas but for various reasons this is not possible. I like the idea of leaving the house to the workers but not possible alas. I’m just hoping for all to be done by Christmas! Until the work begins things are pretty normal and I’ve got used to colourful rugs! Warmest thanks for your concern and care. ❤️

          1. My heart goes out to you and your ruined kitchen. Electricians are coming today to put in new outlets in the bathrooms. Then the plumber. Then another group to install the new vanities. It feels as if I have moved contents under sinks, etc. and they just “sit” until the workers get here. Having to remodel is a necessary fact of life sometimes especially in the case of your kitchen. As I searched for some insurance documents, the Etheree poem information as in front of me, and my brain began composing a new one. I liked the stacked version since I am so verbose. I love counting syllables from my teaching days and having my students write Haiku poems in German. Etheree is a woman! It must be a family name because I would not have guessed. You must love counting syllables as well. If I invented a new form it would be with birth dates since I am asked each time at the Dr. for date of birth. In this case, the poetry form would have eight lines. I’ll play with that idea later. It is fun to find “new” old forms of poetry too. Meter and rhyming are not my thing. Best to you, Annika. Actually, I’ll bet those colorful rugs would make a great topic for Etheree poems. With photos as well!

            1. I’m so happy you’ve come across Iris’s lovely blog – I’ve followed her for a long while and agree, her photos and poetry are gorgeous! Many thanks for thinking to link to me!

  20. A wonderful response to the challenge Annika. I follow Mary Ann’s poetry, which she shares with beautiful images of nature and family. Her poetry is indeed inspiring.
    Both your poems catch the emotion perfectly and images too are in synch with the carefully chosen words. Well done dear friend. Keep writing…poetry is a blessing many people crave for!

    1. Wow! Thank you so much, Balroop – I am such a novice at any poetry andI am wary of sharing it publicly! Your support and encouragement mean a lot to me. ❤️ The storm cloud image fitted perfectly with the mood for the latter poem and both come from Pixaby. The top picture is wonderfully inventive!

      Yeah, lovely to come across another fan of Mary Ann’s blog – I feel as if I know her and her family well from her posts & comments. It’s fascinating to hear about her music and concerts as well.

      You’re right, poerty is a blessing many people crave – but I’m beginning to think not many know how much they need it!

  21. I’ve never heard of this form before, Annika. So interesting and it seems like it must be challenging to make it flow naturally. You did a wonderful job with it! I like the little twist at the end of the first one, and the second is starkly truthful.

    1. Diana, thank you so much for your thoughtful reflections of these poems … it’s taken a while to see the positive spin after the flood damage … but I got there and glad I could put that twist in the poem!

      I’d never heard of these either and Mary Ann explains on her post that ‘Etheree is a little-know poetry format named after an Arkansas poet, Etheree Teylor Armstrong’. I would love to see your poems in this style, Diana! Are you tempted to try? 😃

    1. Thank you so much, Mae! The photos are from Pixaby and the top one was stood out straightaway! The flood damage luckily was contained – I feel for people who suffer so much worse or even have to move out.

  22. I enjoyed both of your poems, Annika…nicely done! After recently experiencing major damage in our own kitchen from Hurricane Florence, I can relate. We’re meeting with the insurance adjuster today. Hopefully your own repairs will go smoothly. ❤

    1. Oh no, Jill. I’m so sorry to learn about your kitchen damage as a result of the hurricane. I did think of you at the time, and hoped you’d escape any problems. I hope the meeting with the insurance adjuster today has gone well … ours was last week and progressing (I think … ) Likewise, wishing you a smooth road to repairing your kitchen. hugs xx

      1. LOL! I can relate to the “I think.” She’s supposed to call us tomorrow. I’m not looking forward to all of the disruptions. Wishing you the best, too. I guess we can commiserate with each other. 🙂 ❤

    1. Thank you, Staci … glad you liked these. Oh yes, kitchen damage is not fun but at least it is still useable. All those rugs in the loft are coming to use on top of the boring cement!

  23. Glad you accepted the challenge Annika and you did a wonderful job. From the trials of a flood (ooh not good) to the absolute trauma of a lost marriage you’ve captured the moods perfectly. Well done! xx

    1. Miriam, I’m happy I accepted as well … I always hesitate before trying any form of poetry but am enthralled by it once I’ve started. Flood is definitely not good – but soon to be fixed with some hassles. A lost marriage is an enduring trauma. Thank you so much for reading and your thoughtful comment! Hope you’re having a great week. xx

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