img_0657-0 As I have only been blogging for a few months I was most pleasantly surprised and honoured to be nominated for this award.


My warm thanks to Marge of Kyrosmagica for nominating me.

She can be found at and I highly recommend you visit her interesting blog. Marge is now working on her second novel and is currently seeking a publisher for her first middle grade/YA book. She writes about ‘books, crystals, laughter and much much more…’  I love her passion for life, books, writing and travel. On my first visit to her site I was struck by the series of beautiful quotes on her about page. Go and take a look!

Thunder?! thunder

Hmm..I feel I’m less thunder with my blogs but more of a ripple in a large large lake. I have one in mind.

Over thirty kilometres in length stretching towards the massive waterfall that feeds it. On the eastern slope fir trees cling precariously onto the steep side, at times horizontal to the water below.

A long winding road is found to the west of the lake, at times so close to the waters edge it is as if you could reach out of the open window and skim your hands across the calm surface. Watching the ripples gently vibrate out and away. ripple

That’s how I feel when I started this blog. My first post caused a tiny ripple of water that soon stopped. Then with time the impact of the posts spread slightly further and soon intermingled with other ripples, crossing, recrossing each other, interweaving, interconnecting.

Enough of the whimsical reflections…back to the award.

‘Thunder creates a powerful addition to the blog as an awesome blog award. Raymond, founder, was bestowed upon a thunder medallion by the great nature so he can create a powerful spell Encouraging Thunder to grant powerful protection to other bloggers. It’s a special spell that only bloggers who has true purpose in their life can master it.’

‘As other bloggers are granted the power of thunder, he or she has the permission to post the power of thunder on their blogs as well as sharing the award with other bloggers.’

With the Encourage Thunder award you can

  • Post it on your blog
  • Grant other blogs

The dos and donts of the award are:

Do not

  • Abuse or misuse the logo
  • Claim that it is your own handmade logo


  • Enjoy the award
  • At least give thanks via comments and likes and or mentioning the blogger who gives the award.

Without further ado, I nominate the following blogs. Please take them in the spirit they are given, recognition and enjoyment by myself of your posts.

Sarah at

Dorne at

Jacqui  at

Lydia at

Viveka at

Kristi at

Peter at

Mrs N.  at

Annette at

“Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself”

Richard Bach


  1. Many congratulations Annika! Thank you for giving my blog such a lovely write up! Yours is awesome too, and very deserving of the award, keep the thunder rolling….. All the very best.

  2. Mike

    Congratulations Annika, you deserve this award. I’ve read all your blogs and no two are the same. Always something different and thought provoking. You had me going with the lake analogy there – thought you were going to talk more about a lake in Sweden, and then suddenly it’s turned on it’s head.

    Keep up the good work


    1. Thank you Mike and good I’m keeping you on your toes! Wouldn’t want to become predictable would I?? A day by a cool lake in Sweden sounds good though on such a warm day…

  3. Congratulations Annika and thank you so much for the nomination.
    You have a way with words and blogging and I always enjoy stopping by for a read and catch up.
    You deserve this award. x

    1. Dorne, Thank you so much for your kind words – has brightened up my day! If I can touch just one person with my writing and here on the blog than I am very happy. I always enjoy popping over to your blog, reading about your reflections, thoughts of life and it was a pleasure nominating you for the award, thoroughly deserved. Warmest wishes to you.

  4. Mirja

    Congratulations to your Award Annika.
    I am especially taken by the way you have introduced it. A lovely piece of writing.

    I quote you: ” My first post caused a tiny ripple of water that soon stopped. Then with time the impact of the posts spread slightly further and soon intermingled with other ripples, crossing, recrossing each other, interweaving, interconnecting.”

    With this and the wonderful quote you bring all you writers and bloggers together in
    a warm and encouraging huge hug.

    1. Ah…thank you Mirja. I feel such a community here amongst the bloggers and together we make it the success it is. I love your words of a ‘warm and encouraging huge hug’ – lovely. Here is a virtual hug to you and everyone else out there!

      1. No rush at all. Have a lovely weekend too – I so enjoy reading your posts and about your visits to friends, family and out. The food always sounds divine – will try some when we visit Oslo for the first time this summer!

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