The Ultimate Gift

‘The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.’ Helen Keller

It’s often been said that ‘I think too much’ or ‘overthink’ and to a certain point, I agree! At such times a quote might come to mind, to appeal directly to my subconscious and lead my inner self onto a positive path! The increasing popularity of quotations seems to confirm that many others are seeking out inspirational sayings and taking the thoughtful words to heart. 

Combined with beautiful images the two elements become a real tonic for the soul! 

Please enjoy these final four quotes coupled with photos taken by myself. May the sage sayings and beautiful pictures give a boost to your spirit.

The small boat here is heading out across the archipelago on the west coast of Gothenburg at sunset. In all twenty islands are inhabited here with many more smaller uninhabited islands among them. 

‘If the only prayer you say your whole life is ‘thank you’ that would suffice.’ Meister Eckhart

It is mesmerising to walk through a fully grown wheat field here at home in the South East of England, caressing the top of the stalks, the sharp leaves lightly scratching my bare legs. Ever since seeing ‘Gladiator’ however, the emotions of such a walk have become slightly tainted and tempered with tragedy and bloodshed following the haunting beginning of the film.

‘An artist is not only one who is inspired but also is one who inspires others.’ Salvador Dali

Cressing Temple in Essex is the site of the two astonishing barns on land which was given to the Knights Templar in 1137. They are the oldest and finest 13th-century barns in the country. The Tudor Garden at Cressing Temple is a haven whatever the season, the tranquillity of its symmetrical and balanced design and planting a delight. It hosts a large collection of plants that were typical for the 1600s.

‘In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.’ John Muir

My final photo is a celebration of autumn colours from one of the 18,000+ trees at the National Arboretum of Westonbirt. To read more about this amazing place and see many more photos please click here. One cannot help but think of John Muir and his incredible words inspired by nature!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this short series of posts and thank you for following along with the posts. By now I will just have returned from my break in Sweden and I look forward to catching up with your posts as well as your thoughts on the series. I would especially love to hear one (or more!) of your favourite quotation(s)!

The Light of Life

‘It is a serious thing/just to be alive/on this fresh morning/in this broken world.’ Mary Oliver

My second of three photo and quote posts begins with another perspective of looking up, this time into the loft canopy of the giant pine trees on the land in Sweden. The sun becomes a beacon through the needles, the sky seeming to stretch into space, into infinity!

‘The words that enlighten the soul are more precious than jewels.’ Hazrat Inayat Khan

Meeting friends, picnicking by a lake and exploring a national heritage castle is a perfect way to spend a Saturday! It was wonderful to catch up with university friends at Hever Castle, Kent one warm summer’s day last year. Hever Castle was originally built in 1383. However, it was modernised in the 15th and 16th centuries and became home to powerful families, including the Boleyn’s (Ann Boleyn was the second wife to Henry VIII). The castle provided a stunning foreground to our lazy picnic meal.

‘Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.’ Maya Angelou

The cool mystery of the sunset against the Swedish forest captures one’s imagination, the play of colours tantalising, the dark horizon of the serrated edge of tree tops a stark contrast to the play of blues and pinks!

‘May you arise in the morning, think what precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.’ Marcus Aurelius

Finally, one of my favourite places in Sweden is Fjällbacka and its captivating view from the top of its famous rock. The Vetteberget reaches 74 metres high and the islands of the archipelago stretch out as far as the eye can see. Returning to the small town nestled between the rock and the sea one must first brave and walk beneath the three giant rocks in the King’s Cleft! Read more here

Thank you for reading this second of three posts featuring photos and quotations as I am away in Sweden for the next few weeks. Although comments are turned off for this post they will be on for the final one in this series. Plenty of time for you to think of one or more of your favourite quotes and I look forward to reading your thoughts upon my return!


‘I am still learning.’ Michelangelo

Sometimes we all need a new perspective; be it in our lives, our art, our writing or even a photograph.

In the first photo I bobbed down to the ground, keen to look up at the bench in the gravel garden at home. What is it the birds see when I look down at them peeking cautiously up at me? Oh, an oasis of tranquility and I appreciate it more than ever this corner of the morning sun!

‘Being loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.’ Lao-Tzu

There is always a wonderful sense of overwhelming peace and freedom at looking at a beautiful landscape down below. Here it is, a bit of a trek up the site of an old hill fort called Olsborg in Sweden. Initially constructed in 1502 it was re-built several times and now only a few signs of the old settlement are visible. It overlooks the beautiful 28 km / 17 miles long Bullaren Lake.

‘Speak only if it improves upon the silence.’ Mahatma Ghandi

The favourite rose in my garden, The Queen of Sweden, gives me much joy throughout the summer and autumn and one I’ve shared many times including here. This close-up image portrays the duality of its resilience and fragility, all encapsulated upon folds of pink petals upon pink petals!

‘Let there be no purpose in friendship save the deepening of the spirit.’ Kahlil Gibran

A challenge awaits the walker in the final photo for this post, the gentle rolling walk low down on Ilkley Moor, West Yorkshire quickly becomes a steep climb up to the old spa bath of White Wells. The latter was built around 1700 and a single plunge pool still survives to this day (no, I’ve never tried it!). Ilkley Moor and its stunning beauty is famed in the UK and even boasts its own unofficial county anthem ‘On Ilka Moor Baht ‘at’ (Yorkshire dialect for ‘on Ilkley Moor without a hat’). I was lucky enough to grow up in this area and enjoyed a walk on the moors every weekend 

Thank you for reading this first of three posts featuring photos and quotations as I am away in Sweden for the next few weeks. Comments are turned off for this post.


‘Most collectors collect tangibles. As a quotation collector, I collect wisdom, life, invisible beauty, souls alive in ink.’ Terri Guillements

What is it about quotations that pull us in?

The snippets of sentences and the sharing of thoughts open a door to our humanity. Upon reading the words, our souls can take flight, lifted high by the wisdom and our hearts lightened. Quotations offer rays of hope in a world that is all too dark. They reflect ourselves, the people we want to be,  and the world we long to create.

When it feels increasingly difficult to find direction, quotations nudge us back on track. They are a gentle reminder, an inspiring greeting to one’s inner self. 

As the world rushes by they allow us to take a ‘beat’, a pause for that all-important re-set.

‘I pick my favourite quotations and store them in my mind as ready armour, offensive or defensive, amid the struggle of this turbulent existence.’ Robert Burns

In school we are flooded with quotations during literature studies, some still remembered to this day. At the time we often think of them merely as supportive evidence for a point, an argument we are making in an essay. Much later we realise how profound they were, etched on our minds still decades later.

Later in life, we come across quotations in books, magazines and yes, online. Blogging has clarified the important role of quotations in our lives.

‘Like your body your mind also gets tired so refresh it by wise sayings.’ Hazrat Ali

Every year I open a quotations folder and feed the empty pages which are greedy for the latest wisdom. A haphazard, eclectic source of sayings is gradually created, with quotes from the ancient Greek & Roman times to the present day.

It’s often said that home-made Christmas presents are the best and not being blessed with any needlecraft skills, every autumn I instead create a calendar for my mother. This is made  from some of my favourite photos along with some special sayings. I cherish the joy it gives my mother, how every month she will message the new pictures and quotations; commenting upon them with her innate sense of wisdom and fun.

Next to the originator of a good sentence is the first quoter of it. Many will read the book before one thinks of quoting a passage. As soon as he has done this, that line will be quoted east and west.’ Ralph Waldo Emerson

As I am away for a while in beautiful Sweden for a long sojourn, it is my joy to share some of these calendar images with you in my next three posts – I hope you find them enjoyable, rewarding and insightful! 

Many of you know that during my stay away involves living amid the forest which although it has most mod-cons deliberately has no wifi. Hence my absence from blogging however I look forward to catching up upon my return. Comments are turned off for this post. 

‘I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.’ Jorge Luis Borges

* Jorge Luis Borges