10 Statements – Annika Perry


I am an avid fan of ’10 Statements’ at Karen Oberlaender’s blog mytrainofthoughtson.com and eagerly look forward to learning more about every featured writer.

What spurs them on in the morning? Who is their inspiration in life?

Wistfully I imagined what my own responses would be…

How could I sum ‘me’ up in ten short statements? What was my personal motto? What was the best advice I’ve ever been given?

My idle daydreams became reality recently when Karen kindly invited me to take part in her series and I accepted immediately. What an honour!

However, I soon started to overthink the answers, scribbling down various possible replies, in my diligence I started to dither, falling into a turmoil of confusion with every new thought.

Finally one morning I put my writings aside and opened a clean sheet of paper in my notebook, took my favourite pen in my hand and whilst scanning the statements, I wrote from my heart, letting my controlling brain drift to the wayside.

I hope you’ll pop over to see my final answers on ’10 Statements’ and also read the excerpt of one of my short stories (which might be familiar to regular readers – apologies!). Enjoy!

Please press here to read full article: 10 Statements – Annika Perry
