The Ultimate Gift

‘The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.’ Helen Keller

It’s often been said that ‘I think too much’ or ‘overthink’ and to a certain point, I agree! At such times a quote might come to mind, to appeal directly to my subconscious and lead my inner self onto a positive path! The increasing popularity of quotations seems to confirm that many others are seeking out inspirational sayings and taking the thoughtful words to heart. 

Combined with beautiful images the two elements become a real tonic for the soul! 

Please enjoy these final four quotes coupled with photos taken by myself. May the sage sayings and beautiful pictures give a boost to your spirit.

The small boat here is heading out across the archipelago on the west coast of Gothenburg at sunset. In all twenty islands are inhabited here with many more smaller uninhabited islands among them. 

‘If the only prayer you say your whole life is ‘thank you’ that would suffice.’ Meister Eckhart

It is mesmerising to walk through a fully grown wheat field here at home in the South East of England, caressing the top of the stalks, the sharp leaves lightly scratching my bare legs. Ever since seeing ‘Gladiator’ however, the emotions of such a walk have become slightly tainted and tempered with tragedy and bloodshed following the haunting beginning of the film.

‘An artist is not only one who is inspired but also is one who inspires others.’ Salvador Dali

Cressing Temple in Essex is the site of the two astonishing barns on land which was given to the Knights Templar in 1137. They are the oldest and finest 13th-century barns in the country. The Tudor Garden at Cressing Temple is a haven whatever the season, the tranquillity of its symmetrical and balanced design and planting a delight. It hosts a large collection of plants that were typical for the 1600s.

‘In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.’ John Muir

My final photo is a celebration of autumn colours from one of the 18,000+ trees at the National Arboretum of Westonbirt. To read more about this amazing place and see many more photos please click here. One cannot help but think of John Muir and his incredible words inspired by nature!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this short series of posts and thank you for following along with the posts. By now I will just have returned from my break in Sweden and I look forward to catching up with your posts as well as your thoughts on the series. I would especially love to hear one (or more!) of your favourite quotation(s)!

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